Guardians Prayer Warriors

Spreading God's Love Thru Prayer


In the mid 1980s I was ministering at the Sanctuary which is a great church in Deland, Florida. Following one of the services a young man asked to speak to me and shared a vision that he had experienced. When I heard this, I knew it was from the Lord.

The time of the vision was in the 1970s. In the vision the young man saw a very large field of ripe grain. The sky was a clear blue and the weather was perfect. A large army was marching across the field. The individuals were happy and excited, laughing and enjoying themselves.

Suddenly, large vultures from the sky began swooping down upon the field. In the Bible birds can represent evil spirits (Mark 4). As the vultures descended upon the people, there were three forms of weapons being carried in their claws. The birds began dropping these items onto the field.

First, tares began to appear in the midst of the wheat. The purpose of the tares was to stop the harvest. As the vultures continued to swirl over the army below, they began dropping stones onto the field. Each stone had a particular problem written on it that would become a stumbling block if a person tripped over the stone. The stones were hidden in the field and could not be seen unless a person was watching and paying careful attention. The third items clinched in the claws of many of the vultures appeared to be missiles that were thrust toward certain individuals in the army. As these were fired from the air, they became fiery darts that would hit the person and ignite their mind. This resulted in setting their minds on fire with terrible thoughts that became a distraction.

As the army moved forward, some began tripping over the stones and others were struck by the missiles. As the missiles hit, if the soldiers did not get up from the ground the vultures would suddenly swoop down and seize upon the person. The vultures would then begin to pick apart the flesh of the fallen soldier. Eating the flesh represented feeding off the carnal nature of the person.

The size of the army became smaller as a result of these attacks. Certain soldiers began to hold up large shields to block the missiles from striking them. Some attempted to hide behind the armor of others. A grandmother was firmly holding onto her shield as her grandchildren were playing carelessly behind her. Suddenly a missile hit one of the children and they fell to the ground. Each person needed their own shield for protection and could not rely upon someone else. One man was attempting to outrun the attackers but was hit from behind. His shield was not up and because he "turned his back" he was defeated. Another soldier was seen falling as he stumbled over a large stone.

The battle became so strong, so intense and so dangerous that the army began to thin. The laughter seemed to cease and the faithful remnant that was not defeated by the stones or taken captive by the missiles closed ranks and began to unite their shields together. They became a strong remnant of battle worn, yet determined believers. They began to dig trenches to take on the final conflict.

Even in the heat of the battle there were moments of joy and rejoicing. Suddenly on the scene a man on a horse appeared. Some in the army left their positions to follow the one riding on the white horse. Again the ranks of the troops became smaller, but the remnant remained strong and determined.

Suddenly a bright light appeared and the remnant could see the city of God. They knew that they had remained steadfast and the battle was now over!

I first reported this vision several years ago and was reviewing notes from previous articles about this. When the young man's vision from the 1970s saw the "white horse," I didn't think much about it when I heard this story in the late 1980s. I was more impressed with the conflict and the results of the battle. However, now that we understand the appearing of the Mahdi of Islam and the tradition that he appears on a white horse, it makes this vision even more amazing. It appears that the white horse rider comes on the scene about the same time that the surviving army sees the city of God and realizes that the battle is over and we are headed to the city of God!

There is another aspect of this vision:

Every believer must secure the whole armor of God. Watching and praying, will keep one from stumbling over the "stones" hidden in your journey. Your shield of faith will ensure your defense against the fiery darts of the enemy! Dig in your heels and "stand when you have done all to stand!"

Perry Stone, Jr.

Those who observe events building in the Middle East are fully aware of the nuclear threat emerging from Iran. Under the leadership of the fanatical Islamic president, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, the Iranian nation is developing a major nuclear program alleged to be for the purpose of nuclear power. However, the ranting president has made it clear that Iran is pursuing a nuclear warhead capable of being placed upon a missile and reaching Israel.

Sources inside the Israeli government have privately expressed concern with the reaction of President Obama's administration in dealing with Iran. According to the Debka File, posted April 18, 2009, the headline read: "Obama's charm offensive for radical rulers abandons Israel to Iranian threat." The article states:

Obama's Washington believes America can live with a nuclear-armed Iran - a decision probably taken first under the Bush presidency. But Israel cannot and may have no option but to part ways with the Obama administration on this point. As a nuclear power, Iran will be able to bend Jerusalem to the will of its enemies, make it unconditionally give Syria the Golan plus extra pieces of territory, tamely accept an Hamas-dominated Palestine West bank looking over its heartland and let the Lebanese Hitzbollah terrorize Galilee in the north at will. All three would make hay under the Iranian nuclear shield, while Tehran lords over the region in the role of a regional power conferred by Obama's grace and favor.

At the present time, the Israeli government believes the American administration would not stand with them in the event of a pre-emptive strike against Iran's nuclear facilities. The American's recent meeting and discussions with Hugo Chavez, Syrian president Assad and warming up to the Communist dictator Castro, are quite troubling to the Israelis. It is clear that the new foreign policy directives have shifted the importance of America's relationship with Israel, to a more open relationship of negotiation and acceptance of dangerous Islamic regimes, including fanatical governments and socialists dictators.

Some Israelis have pointed out that before the election, Obama totally downplayed his Islamic past, including his father being a Muslim and his attending Islamic schools in Indonesia. There was wrath to pay from the left secular media if anyone publically used his middle name Hussein, nothing it to be an Islamic name. Individuals were labeled "Islamophobes" when even mentioning the future leader of the west using his middle name. Israel now notes that in every Islamic country where the President of America speaks, he proudly uses his full name, emphasizing the name Hussein and even speaking about his Islamic heritage and background publicly, something that was absent during the campaign.

This entire pattern of events has the Netanyahu administration believing that the U.S administration would not support a sudden surprise attack against Iran's nuclear program, which only empowers the rhetoric against Israel by the fanatical Iranian regime. In June, elections will be held in Iran and many in the west are hoping that Ahmadinejad will be removed and a more moderate government will replace this apocalyptic Muslim leader. However, Israel may not wait until the elections and has made it clear they may preceed without the approval of the United States.

Israel has all of the tools and weapons at its disposal, not only to destroy the nuclear enrichment facilities, but they could also cripple the regime's military power for many years, if they chose to. Israel may need to follow the pattern of Menahem Begin, who in 1981 stood against the objections of President Ronald Reagan and struck the Iraqi nuclear facilities, which destroyed Saddam Hussein's nuclear capability. The world cried out against the "aggressive Zionists," but years later realized this was an important and correct decision.

Israel may go it alone in an aerial assault at first, and will no doubt be chastised from sea to shining sea. However, nearly 60 years ago the Holocaust began with a German dictator and ended with 6 million dead Jews, many who were led to gas showers and poisoned to death. As one Jew once said, "They used poison gas to kill us once and we will never allow a dictator to use weapons of mass destruction to kill us again!" Israel has a land covenant given to the Hebrew people by the Almighty Himself. As in the previous wars where Israel's enemies threatened to destroy them, Israel won the battle. Prophetically, Israel will win again. They can do it with or without America.

P.S. Please note that the threat of Iran lobbing missiles into Israel not only threatens the Jews but also the Arab Christians and the Muslims living in Israel and throughout the West Bank. This threat should be resisted by all religious and ethnic groups living in Israel and by the moderate Arab nations in the region.

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