Guardians Prayer Warriors

Spreading God's Love Thru Prayer

We need get back to Christian Roots

Dear Editor:
We need to get back our Christian Roots. One night, I was praying for our country and I felt like God put something on my heart that I want to share with the people in Sumter. In April our president gave a speech in Turkey that America is not a Christian nation, but I have disagrees. Many people came to America so they could worship God. The history books that I have read have said that our forefathers often prayed for decisions that they made. Our forefathers were deeply committed God. Some of you may say that is out dated. I like ask “What is out date about God ?” Are you really saying you don't believe that there is no God.
Some people say I am religious. Actually, I am not religious. I have a loving relationship with God. It like have a relationship with a friend, but I can't see this friend. Sometimes, a person has faith. According to Hebrew 11:1 faith is the evidence of things we cannot see yet.
Documentation of our Christian roots have been preserved in Washington, DC along with paintings and statures in the Capitol building and all over our beautiful land. If we are not Christian nation why Christian statures are all over beautiful land. That why Christians pray and go to church. Do you know if we pray for our country and go back to our Christian roots crimes go down, people begin to love as teach us. Our economy situation will get better and people get find jobs. If we get back to our Christian roots, children will know right from wrong, hopefully know, serve God, and maybe become Christian leaders. They could help us become the nation that God intended us to be when he directed our forefathers to this land.

Robin Sherman

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