Guardians Prayer Warriors

Spreading God's Love Thru Prayer


Nevertheless, See spiritual warfare is real and if you don’t take on the attitude of NEVERTHELESS, Father "God" thy will be done. You are fighting a losing battle. Let me make this live. These last few months have taught me a lesson that is bringing me to greater maturity in Christ. Let me tell you this Nevertheless has become my name. The enemy is out to get me, destroy me before I even reach my full potential in God. “See I have found favor in God sight I am the apple of his eye, hallelujah!" I pray and the LORD hears me and answer! God has called me to be an INTERCESSOR for his people, and the more I pray the more drama unfolds around me. God called me on the battlefield to stand in the gap that makes me a target, I have to laugh sometime to keep from crying because it crazy how serious the enemy is about doing his job.

God showed me this the Body of Christ love to take vacations and put their spiritual life on pause but trust me the devil and his imps work overtime on their assignment. I tell people all the time my very picture is hanging up in hell, and a death warrant was issue for me. I have been attacked in my ministry, my children, my personal life, my hope, my dreams, my finances, my job, my home, my church, every area of my life. I have been lied on, talk about, mistreated, used, abuse and used again. I been rejected by man in every know way possible; kick to the curve, spit on and step on for other to advance and this was in the church and out. BUT GOD has poured his anointing in me for the such a time as this SO NO MATTER WHAT COME OR MAY I HERE TO STAY, I'M ROOTED AND GROUNDED IN HIS LOVE/WORD. The word of God is spring out of me like living word, and the heart of God is manifest in every prayer prayed! God has order my step in his word to do battle, "I am Armed and Dangerous" willing and able to do GREAT EXPLOITS IN JESUS NAME. I have faith to believe when the oracles of God are spoken, God moves because he honors his word above his name, Hallelujah!

Nevertheless I'M A WARRIOR IN THE ARMY OF THE LORD and the fiery darts of the enemy will never penetrate and bring me off the wall, I can'Y come down I am about a good work. That is why Nevertheless is my name, God has heard my cry and knows my heart is to serve, to build kingdom to reach all the lost that I'm accountable for in Christ Jesus. There have been so moment but the Holy Ghost is always with me leading and guiding me in truth; even when I wanted to give up or give in God let me know that is not AN OPTION. God is so amazing he just wait right there and when I finish with my fleshly tantrums he say "You finish because we have work to do" a mission to be fulfilled! To shout from the rooftop that Jesus saves, delivers, heals and set free! To pray until my sisters/brothers are set free from the bondage of sin! To teach and preach the word of God that prison doors will be open, that hearts will be flesh and the fallow ground would be broken that the word God will penetrate.

That people will know that God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten son, "Jesus" that Jesus didn't come to condemn the world but that they might be saved. Yes, my name is "NEVERTHELESS", Lord let your will be done in earth as it already is in heaven. I took on the position of "NEVERTHELESS" because I want Men/Women/Boy/Girl to experience the love of Christ Jesus and the fullness of joy! So today you too can too take on the Nevertheless attitude and allow God to change you, break you, and make you into the vessel of honor fit for the Master use remember God is a gentleman and he will not force himself on you. You and I have to want the position he has for US. We have to realize we have many attached to US waiting to be release by our obedient to do the work of the LORD. Yes it takes obedience, preserverace, endurance, and one must deny oneself. The flesh must be killed! Say it with me Holy Spirit filled me with the fullness of the Holy Spirit. It not about you or me BUT GOD's kingdom come in this earth. SOULS BEING SAVED, LIVES BEING CHANGED. I had to go through a process to get to my "Nevertheless" stance; God had to remove some obstacle out of my way disobedient, rebellion, selfishness, pride, envy, spoiled little girl attitude and unforgiveness to say the least.

(Footnote: Sometime when God has us in the mode of being broken you have to hold onto the horn of the altar and just yield, Jesus, Jesus, Jesus is all you can say or do. I tell myself Jesus had the attitude of I come to do the will of him that sent me, God mission us to do a work to comply MEN to be saved; to do the mission effectively we have to be broken so Just cry out as God crushes you to get the one drop of oil out of the olive, Jesus, Jesus, Jesus hold on and cry Jesus, Jesus, Jesus sweet Jesus)

This was so God can build my character to reflect JESUS. Never be ashamed of your weakness or faults confess them, cry out to the Lord for help tell his all about your struggles, FOR GOD IS ABLE to complete that what you commit unto him. God is Faithful and Just to forgive us of all unrighteousness. Don't be fooled ever the enemy is relentless and never gives up he knows your weakness, if you like chocolate he will send you the most delicious chocolate on this earth, but rest assure it is written God will provide a escape route with every temptation. During this time a revelation came to me, “On life journey there will be some darkness, endless hours of excruciating pain, but if Jesus Christ is your Savior, Provider, Peace, Redeemer, Guide and Friend you will always have the WORD as lamp unto your feet and a light unto your path.(Footnote: The word assures us WE WIN there is no way we satan can defeat you or me if Jesus is our portion! The enemy will try all kind of ploys to distract, take you focus off God. Don't lose focus keep you eye on the prize the high calling of Christ Jesus) Don't be tricked into a pity party know your new name is nevertheless, hell is expands itself daily.

Say it with me nevertheless, I had to stop school, nevertheless I feel like my life is on hold, nevertheless I feel like someone cage the eagle in me, nevertheless my heart hurts, nevertheless the one thing I wanted in life is right in front of me and you can't have it, nevertheless my children are acting a fool, nevertheless my marriage is over, nevertheless they are calling me names and backstabbing me, remember you are a Childnevertheless of God; nevertheless God’s Will must be done, nevertheless my finances are in ruins; I'm in debt, ynevertheless! I encourage myself I'm a Child of the living God and he knows all thing! Jesus will never leave me or foresake me! nevertheless it getting to deep, LORD JESUS too deep for words, nevertheless I feel like a failure. When you fill like this turn your face to the wall, lay prostrate before the Lord and cry out i>“Nevertheless”
I need thee, Oh How I need theee, Jesus!


Open up and tell God: Lord God Almight I know you have a purpose for my life. You know what is best for me, I know you are near Jesus and you care all about me. Yes, Lord I surrender, I yield to your unchange hands. Remind yourself the Lord giveth and the Lord taketh away blessed be the name of the Lord! Just place your absolute trust in God Almighty! Therefore, let your name become Nevertheless! For this is the name, the Lord has chose for you and me! God's promises are Yeah and Amen! These trials and tribulations is to make you not destroy for he know the plans he had not EVIL but of GOOD for our expect end! What was meant for evil in my life was for my good! God is the Potter and you are the Clay! Nevertheless is your/my name. It's a privilege and honor to be chosen by God to the position of "NEVERTHELESS"

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