Guardians Prayer Warriors

Spreading God's Love Thru Prayer

What If??

What if??

When we get to heaven what if God asks us why did so many of his children suffer and starve to death?

Why were his children tortured, chopped to pieces?

Why were his children raped?

Why were his children murdered?

Why were his children blown to pieces?

Why were his children dying horrible deaths from disease?

Why were his children afraid?

Why were his children all alone?

On and on and on……………

What if God asks you? What did you do to help people? What did you do to help people?

All the different people suffering and dying everyday. Are you or me held accountable?

How the bible says God hates a person who is lukewarm over the matter, the matter is now. The time has come that all God’s people need to decide if their with God or their not. Pick up your cross and do what you know God would do.
Stop the bull of those people are way over there. If they are way over there they don’t mean anything, that’s bull. God’s people are everywhere sitting right next to you. 10 thousand miles away, a child hurting so bad with only skin over his tiny bones, starving a slow miserable death from lack of food.

What did you do to help?

What if when I get to heaven my Lord says _______(Your Name) one of my children was being sold for sex at the age of six. Everyday living a nightmare she didn’t understand. Why is this happening to me? WHY? Adults hurting her body, her mind. Everyday over and over and over in pain. All the big people around her not helping her. All the big people around her not stopping the ugliness that keeps happening to her day after day. The little girl goes to sleep and hopes she won’t wake up the next day. The next day the little girl dose wake up. The next day is the same as the day before. She doesn’t understand. She can’t understand. Her little body hurts so bad she can’t bare it. Her nightmare won’t end. Her nightmare doesn’t stop.
WHY? Why doesn’t anyone help her? WHY?


When we get to heaven will God ask us why? Why did my little child suffer?


You were on earth ________(your name)You, you and you over there. you were on earth why did you allow this to happen to my little child?

Look over there, the child she’s here with me now. Why didn’t you help her? Why did you close your eyes? Why did you say she is so far away? I’m not responsible for her, she’s too far away. I don’t know that little girl. That girl died when she was 9 years old. Her little body was torn to pieces. Her little mind was scarred. Her heart was broken.

You let Satan have his way! You let Satan torture her! You let Satan rape and abuse that little child! My little child needed you, you people who live on earth. My little child needed you. WHY? Why did you allow this to happen to my little child?

You pray to me. You want me to answer your prayers. One on this side of the world, one on that side of the world. One over here they all call on me. They expect me the living God to be with them no matter where they are.

I the Lord your God expect you and you to protect my children. I don’t want to hear your lame excuses. I don’t want to hear how far away the children are. I don’t want to hear anymore of your unloving, ungodly words of how you can’t. You can’t help my children. How dare you call on me?


Why do my children suffer? Why do you do nothing? Why don’t you help my children? Why?

If you don’t help my children then you are not with me. If you are not with me then you are against me. If you are against me then you are with Satan.

Lukewarm? Lukewarm, one foot on this side of the fence and one foot on that side of the fence. Part of your mind with me and part of your mind with the devil. One foot in heaven while the other foot is in hell.

Who is your God? Jesus? Satan? Decide. Decide today. You don’t know if you have tomorrow to make up your mind do you?

You call on me, but I …. call on you. You are my little children.
You are to protect each other.

You are to feed each other.

You are to care for each other.

You are to love each other.

Clothe, house, keep warm,……

Don’t turn your face, don’t close your eyes.

Don’t pretend it’s not happening.

Don’t say they are too far away I don’t know them.

If you turn your back on my little children……….
Will I be lukewarm to you? Will I close my eyes to you? Will I say you are too far? Will I say don’t call on me I can’t hear you? Decide whose side you are on. Help my children. Help your brothers and sisters no matter how far. You are all the children. You are all the body. You are all part of each other. Unite all the people for all the people are one family. My family, your family we are all together. We are all responsible for each other and ourselves. Don’t turn your back on me. And I the Lord God will not turn my back on you.

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