Guardians Prayer Warriors

Spreading God's Love Thru Prayer

A brother asked me the other day this question- " I am a Christian, but how do I know my call"? What does God want me to do? Often people in the faith come to this question in one point of their lives. Not really sure what it is they are to do. Sure we are all to witness and pray, but many of us feel deep within us that God is calling us into a much deeper walk and relationship then often men can seem to answer. We know God has a certain purpose in our lives. There burns within us a fire for the things of God, and we feel as if it could even consume us if we dont find a way to release it, but how and to whom is the question.When we go to church, we witness to our friends, and we pray each day, but something inside us says" You need to do more" But what? To answer this question first we need to take our question to the Father. Praying and asking him to reveal to us what it is, that cries out within us. The Word of God says this about wisdom and understanding- In James 1:5 it reads: if any of you lack wisdom, let him ask of God, that giveth to all men liberally, and upbraideth not; and it shall be given him. God wants to show us the hidden mysteries that keep us up at night, and burden our thoughts. All we need to do is ask him.

Then let us ask ourselves this question. What is it that burdens our hearts? What are the things that when we see or hear them seem to be emotional stronger than perhaps others may? For example do you feel compelled to people inside the Church walls or do we feel led to go to those outside? Do we feel led to preach the Word or to show them in our actions, such as volunteering in a soup kitchen or mission house.What we must remember is God uses each person differently, and there are no big ministries and no small ministries. Each person is part of the "big" picture. The bible speaks of the five fold ministry in Ephesians chap 4 Verses 11-13. It reads: It was he who gave some to be apostles, some to be prophets, some to be evangelists, and some to be pastors and teachers, to prepare God’s people for works of service, so that the body of Christ may be built up until we all reach unity in the faith Each ministry no more important than the other, but all keys to building a unified faith working and functioning as one. To know where we fit into this picture we must know what each entitles, meaning what is their function. We must keep this in constant prayer, praying the hand of God and the Holy Spirit upon the direction we will walk each day. Taking special care not to venture off the path that God leads, and going after bright lights, and glory. Often what appears right to man, is not right the direction God wills.

We must understand that as God works within us to show his will, we will not only be throw attacks of the enemy, but also of self. Often in a Christian's walk we find themselves led astray not by the works and temptation of evil ,but by our own desires to fulfill the desires of self. Often we are our own enemy. We must remember that all things happen in God's timing, not our own. Often we want what God has for us right now, not understanding that to grant us our wish, would ultimately cause more damage or destruction. We must allow the father's hand to guild us in his timing. All we need to do is obey when God speaks, move when he says to move. If he opens a door- be willing to walk in, even if it wasn't exactly what we wanted or had considered. We must allow God to work within our lives to the point where before each step, we pray " Father lead me" , " not my will but yours be done". We must let the anointing of God flow thru us, without hindrances caused by doubt, or pride, or even self vanity. If what we do is not directed by the father and in his direct will, it will not be productive. God is not our co-pilot, he is the pilot. If we simply let the anointing of God work in our lives, our call will shine where darkness once was. The key is a true relationship with the father, keeping his commandments not only in our minds but burned within the depths of our being. Walking in obedience to the Lord. Keeping a humble spirit, absent of pride. A sense of knowing that " we are not our own, but bond slaves to Jesus Christ . Voluntarily laying down our lives for his glory.Today may we seek God and ask him today to search us and show us his will in our lives,light up the call in our lives for we will obey and we shall walk in it.

Richard A. Kent
Arising Voice

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