Guardians Prayer Warriors

Spreading God's Love Thru Prayer


Samuel and Susanna Wesley (John Wesley's parents) were at evening prayer one night when Susanna didn't say 'amen' to her husband's prayer for William of Orange, then King of England. When he asked her why, she explained that her sympathy lay with the deposed James the Second. It turned into a game of 'you do what I say' which he couldn't win. She wrote about what happened next: 'He immediately knelt down and invoked the divine vengeance upon himself and all his posterity if he ever touched me again or came to bed with me before I had begged God's pardon, and his, for not saying amen to a prayer for the king.' The stalemate lasted six months and was broken only when a tragic fire destroyed two-thirds of their home. People who cling to resentments, who don't know how to handle disappointment with grace, who have long memories, who choke on the words, 'I'm sorry,' or who sulk and pout and whine, always finish up on the short end of the stick. Losing well is an art that requires all the grace we can muster. It means having the humility to face reality with no excuses, but with the confidence not to allow losing to define our identity or make us feel 'less than.' It means no excuses, no blaming, no self-pity - but no self-condemnation either. It means having the discernment to know when to quit and when to persevere. It means learning how to say 'congratulations.' It means letting go of an outcome we cannot change, but holding on to the will to live fully and well, and seeking to glorify God in all that we do. Read:( Philippians 2:3-4)

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