Guardians Prayer Warriors

Spreading God's Love Thru Prayer

Where are we in this world we are no longer apart of but just in are we letting the things of this world become apart of our Spirits? I have learned over the years to be conformed of the spirit and not of this world because when i allow my self to look at this world, this world killed their savior, they failed to see God when He came to pay a price for us because He knew that it was hard for me to see He parted the sea, raised the dead because i was not their. But in reality i was because i let this world in and denied Him and i don't want that for myself, i thank Him for paying the price for me and now i will see Him for who He have been in my life when the doctors said i would never walk again i am walking, when they told me i was not going to make it from cancer i have none i have been delivered to serve the one who paid the price for me and keep me when i could not do it for myself. I ask my self where am i with Him and i seek to be with Him in love and in truth, you can call me some crazy Christian guy but it is only the light that shine in me that make the unbeliever say such judgmental things but remember that day will come when we will look for mercy, and grace and say why not me. I never new you is what God will say. We will travel 30 miles to go to this big Church when their is one on the corner that God wants to use and Grow us. He says seek ye the kingdom of heaven. Churches have started becoming businesses now where it's about them and not about the Lord would God tell me to ask the members to pledge to build a Church no, because He says He will provide our needs for His Glory. I have herd so many Pastor say God told me to do this or that, but you teach me to wait on the Lord He will provide my needs. why don't they wait if He ask them to do this. Thank you for all who read this and let their Spirit receive what God truly have to say. God Bless you

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