Guardians Prayer Warriors

Spreading God's Love Thru Prayer

                               Colossians 3:19

               Husbands , Love your wives , and be not bitter against them

                                Ephesians 5;25

                Husbands , love your wives , even as Christ also loved the church , and gave himself for it ,


                                                                  Where is the love that the husband is supposed to have for his wife ? What happened and where did it get lost ? There are still today husbands who love their wives as Christ loved the church for sure . There are husbands who make sacrifies for their wives . For the husband to understand this love , he must first understand the love that Christ has for his church . Speaking to the true believer and God still expects for us to live like this even today .


                                                                  One as to wonder why even today there are so many broken families and divorces taking place in the body of Christ . One would expect for this in the world because since the world does not understand God nor his church then this world only make sense to them . What I fine is the world is living by spiritual principles better than a lot of us who are saved . Love first starts with God .


                                                                  God's love for us which should be transferred from the husband to the wife and family. Remember that just because this may not be in your family does not mean that God has changed his mind . God allows for certain things simply because just like he knows the status of the world in this day and time , he also knows the hearts of every man and women .


                                                                    It is for this reason that God gave us all grace and mercy to give us all time to line up with the word in a way that could bring others to him by how we live first. So I say to every husband , every father and every man who may here , where are you with your relationship with God ! And can you see how it affects the very relationship with your family ?


                                                                                    Can You ?


And can you see how it affects the very relationship with your family . 

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