Guardians Prayer Warriors

Spreading God's Love Thru Prayer

happy birthday to all that we have missed..


a word is:

 healing is part of the package jesus did on the cross--by his stripes ye are healed!  many church's are sickness in their bodies--as they believe god wants them sick to suffer! non sense! jesus went around healing ALL sickness and why do we not see it in too many church's? pastors have to teach on the altar on healing..teach on the power of the holy spirit..the book of acts never stopped..we as the church have stopped..

god wants to shake up the world...amen? but if the church more sick than the world.... well then!

we were called as the body of john..more you will do if i go to the father, as i will send the holy spirit to dwell in all believers..

there is some church's that are moving in the power of the holy spirit: preaching the word--souls saved and deliverance's from the enemy. amen?

we all have to hunger out after god...holy spirit leading and guding us--to know we are on kingdom business eternity..keep our eyes off the world..

we as evangelists--visit many church's--and amazed how they are not letting the holy spirit lead. acts 1:8..

do not have altar calls...i mean in the born again church's!

we visit church's and we pray and ask the lord to reveal thru his mighty holy spirit>> the third person of the trinity.

amen? a personal relationship! haleluijah!

god bless you!

 and ask the lord this week what he would have you do for the kingdom!

==pray for campbell ministries prayer line==

we are going to a revival for the week and the power of god moving so strong in this church outreach as people are hungry for the lord and evidence in life's..amen?

have you ever sat in church and feel suffocated that the holy spirit is not allowed to lead? {{ they talk about the holy spirit }} it is time church to let god do the leading and see his power work in our lives like the book of acts.

god bless!

dr. gail campbell-eph 3:20...we are praying for all of you.

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