Guardians Prayer Warriors

Spreading God's Love Thru Prayer

YOUR GOD ... or ... MY GOD ... YOU DECIDE (Part 2)

I believed in the Trinity ...and then I looked for myself

The Trinity as defined by
Hastings Dictionary of the Bible Page 1015:

The Christian doctrine of God
as existing in three Persons and one Substance
is not demonstrable by logic or scriptual proof

Regardless, those that believe in and teach the Trinity
believe that it is, "...a necessary "hypothesis"
that there are three persons to the Godhead:

God the Father
The Holy Ghost (Spirit)
Jesus Christ the Son of God

Hypothesis as defined by Webster's Dictionary:

A system or theory imagined or assumed
to account for what is not understood
An unproved theory, a speculative plan...
a formulation of underlying principles
of certain observed phenomena
which has been verified to some degree
... a conjecture; guess


First of all, God ..IS.. Spirit; not "a" Spirit

John 4:24
"God is SPIRIT,
and those who are worshiping him
must be worshiping in spirit and truth"

Nowhere in the Scriptures
is God referred to or called a "trinity"
or a person or consisting of three

The word "three" is never used
in reference to Who or What God is

God is never called or referred to as "a person"

The Holy Spirit is never called "God"

Since Christ is the Son,
he cannot also be the Father
or be coequal with his Father

Jesus plainly said:

John 14:28
"My Father is GREATER than I"

John 17:3
And this is life eternal, that they might know thee
the ONLY true God, and Jesus Christ whom thou hast sent

Countless things can be said to "be ONE"
in numerous forms of close relationship;

In this close relationship of purpose,
will, harmony, etc; our Lord said:

John 10:30
"I and the Father, We are ONE"

One plus one plus one DOES NOT equal one

One God plus one God plus one God
DOES NOT equal one God

One third of a God plus one third of a God plus one third of a God
DOES NOT equal one whole God

The Holy Spirit ..OF.. God cannot also be that same God

ANYTHING that is either "from" or "of " something ELSE
cannot also "BE" that something else no matter what or who it is

A "Father" and a "Son"

Jesus did not say:
"I and the Father, We are one GOD," did He? No, He did not

Do the Scriptures, however, tell us
that there is only ONE GOD? Yes, they do

Do the Scriptures, tell us
WHO that ONE God is? Yes, they do

Do the Scriptures tell us
what the relationship of Jesus Christ is
with that ONE God? Yes, they do

In fact, all of these things are answered in ONE Scripture

Here is the ONLY Scripture you will EVER need for
understanding Who Jesus Christ and God the Father are
and how many Gods there are, and
Who composes that ONE God

1Cor 8:5-6
"For though there be that are called gods,
whether in heaven or in earth,
(as there be gods many and lords many,)
But to US there is but ONE God, the Father,
of whom are all things, and we in him;
and one Lord Jesus Christ, by whom
are all things and we by him

and the next verse:
Howbeit there is not in every man that knowledge (ver 7)

How many Gods are there?
Answer: "ONE God."

Of Whom is this ONE God composed?
Answer: "the FATHER"

NOT, the Father, AND the Son, AND the Holy Ghost
Just, "the Father!" ONLY,

"the Father "ONE God, the FATHER!"

Is Jesus Christ
an equal part of this "ONE God?"

NO, He is not

Let Gods' Word tell us
We don’t need to speculate and theorize

Here is Who and What Jesus Christ is,

He is the "ONE Lord"

This Scripture tells us that

And this Scripture tells us that
"ALL IS THROUGH" Jesus Christ

God the Father is the first cause of all

even Jesus Christ is "OUT of God "

John 16:27-28
"...I (Jesus) came OUT from God

I CAME OUT from the FATHER..."

Now if Jesus came out from the trinity,
why doesn’t the Scriptures say so?

He didn’t come out from the trinity
and He didn’t come out of the Holy Spirit,


And after Jesus Christ came OUT from the Father,

ALL ELSE came THROUGH Jesus Christ:

Col 1: 14-17
Who (Jesus) is the image of the invisible God,
the firstborn of every creature:
For by him were all things created, that are in heaven,
and that are in the earth, visible and invisible,
whether they be thrones, or dominions or principalities,or powers:
all things were created by him and for him:
And he is before all things, and by him all things consist

and all else was created THROUGH Jesus Christ

There is no trinity here!!

1Tim 2:5
For there is ONE God,
and ONE Mediator OF God and mankind, the MAN Christ Jesus..."

John 14:28
"...I am going to the Father, for the Father is GREATER than I"

John 17:3
And this is life eternal, that they might know thee
the ONLY true God, and Jesus Christ whom thou hast sent

1Cor 11:3
"Now I want you to be aware
that the Head of every man is Christ,
yet the head of the woman is the man,
yet the Head of Christ IS GOD"

Eph 1:3
"Blessed be the God and Father OF our Lord Jesus Christ"

Col 1:3
"We are thanking the God and Father OF our Lord Jesus Christ"

1Pet 1:3
"Blessed be the God and Father " OF OUR LORD Jesus Christ,

Eph 1:17
"...that the GOD OF OUR LORD Jesus Christ, the FATHER..."

And just who was it;
who raised Jesus from the grave?

Acts 2:24
"Ye men of Israel, hear these words,
Jesus of Nazareth... whom GOD HAS RAISED UP
having loosed the pains OF DEATH"

Rom 8:9,11,14
"But ye are not in the flesh, but in the Spirit,
if so be that the Spirit OF GOD dwell in you...
But if the Spirit OF HIM (GOD the FATHER)
that RAISED UP JESUS FROM THE DEAD dwell in you,
shall also quicken your mortal bodies by His Spirit that dwells in you...
For as many as are led by the SPIRIT OF GOD (GOD the FATHER),
they are the sons of God (God the Father, not sons of the Son)"

Gal 1:1
"Paul, an apostle, (not of man, neither by man, but by Jesus Christ,

Let me make this as easy as I can

There is one God; the Father

The Holy Spirit is the Spirit of God the Father

Jesus Christ the Son,
came forth and proceeded
FROM and OUT of God the Father

Then Jesus Christ did all the creating
which is precisely why he being the "Creator"
could die and save his entire creation

The Son was given the full measure of the Fathers Spirit
and he in turn gives us measures of this same Spirit

If the trinity was true, and the Holy Spirit was a person...

when the Holy Spirit overshadowed Mary and she conceived-
Jesus would be the Son of the Holy Spirit and not the Son of God

In Conclusion,

Is Jesus God or is he not God?

Yes Jesus is God,

When the Pharisees accused Jesus of blaspheming
because He said He was "The SON of God,"

Jesus reminded them
that their own scriptures state that, "YE ARE GODS"

Psalm 82:6
"I have said, YE ARE GODS;
and all of you are CHILDREN OF THE MOST HIGH"

So Jesus is God and Ye are Gods
both having come forth from the ONLY true God-

but neither Jesus or Ye;
are or ever will be the ONLY true God the Father
who is GREATEST of all

Eph 5:31-32
"For WE (believers) ARE members
of His (Jesus) body, of His flesh, and of His bones

For this cause shall a man leave his father and mother,
and shall be joined unto his wife,
and they TWO shall be ONE flesh

This is a great mystery:
but I speak concerning Christ and THE CHURCH"
"That they ALL may be ONE
(Who?-ALL; How many?-ONE)
as you Father are in Me, and I in You,
that they also may be ONE in US...

John 17:21-22
And the glory which You gave to Me I have given them,
that they may be ONE, EVEN AS WE ARE ONE"

This IS the Scripture that Jesus quoted

They didn't accept what Jesus said,
and some people will not accept what I am saying

Once again;

Gen 2:24
"Therefore shall a man leave his father and his mother,
and shall cleave unto his wife: and they shall be ONE FLESH"

How many people?-TWO;
How many flesh?-ONE

There, the Scriptural answer!!

"...that they may be ONE,
even as WE (Jesus AND His Father) ARE ONE!!

HOW many Persons? Jesus & Father-TWO;

As a "husband and wife" ARE ONE,
and "Jesus and His Church," ARE ONE,
so also "Jesus and His Father," ARE ONE

Will there be two or three Gods
to choose from after the dust settles?


Jesus came forth and proceeded
FROM and OUT of the Father and is our bridge
which brings what was lost back unto the Father

For now he sits at the "right hand" of the Father

When he has accomplished
exactly what he came into being to DO
what will happen to him and his rule?

1Cor 15:24,25
Then shall the end come, when he (Christ)
hands over the Kingdom to God the Father
after he has destroyed all dominion, authority, and power
For he must reign ..UNTIL.. he has put all his enemies under his feet

John 17:3
And this is life eternal, that they might know thee
the ONLY true God, and Jesus Christ whom thou hast sent

Also... Shocking as this may be:

1John 5:7-8 should read:
"For there are three that bear record,
the spirit, and the water, and the blood:
and these three agree in one"

The words
" heaven the Father, the Word, and the Holy Ghost:
and these three are one
and there are three that bear witness in earth..."

are NOT Scriptures and are NOT found in ANY Greek Manuscripts
or even the early Latin Fathers writings and translations

These spurious words appear in no reputable manuscript,
and no manuscript period, before the FIFTEEN CENTURY!

No Biblical Scholar thinks those words
are part of any original manuscripts or Scriptures

They are as spurious as the pagan trinity doctrine

The Holy Spirit ..OF.. God
is certainly not a "person" as you suggest

The Holy Spirit is the "Spirit ..OF.. God the Father"

I assure you, however, that
God the Father is not the "Father ..OF.. the Holy Spirit"

Think about that for a few thousand hours

Paul ALWAYS addressed and praised
God the Father and His Lord Jesus Christ
in EVERY salutation in EVERY epistle He ever wrote

Gal 1:1-2
"Paul, an apostle of JESUS CHRIST by the will of GOD,
to the saints which are at Ephesus,
and to the faithful in CHRIST JESUS:
Grace be to you, and peace, from

But Paul never ONCE
mentioned or addressed
the Holy Spirit in ANY of his epistles EVER

Do you have a good explanation
for such an gross omission and degradation of the Holy Spirit,
if the Holy Spirit is PERSON, and VERY GOD?

The verse was added to the Bible;
by the Catholic Church, to back the Trinity teaching


There is ONE GOD

Jesus Christ came OUT ..FROM.. God
and is called the "Son ..OF.. God"

The Holy Spirit comes OUT ..FROM.. God
and is called the "Spirit ..OF.. God"

God has bestowed on Jesus


Jesus also, has this SAME SPIRIT


There is the "Spirit ..OF.. Christ"
which is the SAME Spirit ..OF.. God

They BOTH possess the SAME SPIRIT-
and because they both possess the SAME SPIRIT,
they are indeed ONE

God promises believers
the obtaining of this same spirit also





all of God's creatures
will one day possess this same spirit
and then God will be "All in ALL" (1Cor 15:28)

I believed in Tithing and then I looked for myself

Why hasn't your church taught you this about Tithing?

Of all the tribes of Israel, the tribe of Levite was designated
by God to serve as the Priesthood

Because of the sacrificial duties of this assignment,
this tribe was not able to own land, raise crops,
or tend to herds and flocks as the other tribes
God therefore instructed Israel:

Numbers 18:24-28
"But the TITHES of the children of Israel, which they offer
as an heave offering unto the Lord, I have given
to the LEVITES to inherit:
therefore I have said unto them, Among the children of Israel
they shall have no inheritance

Not just anyone could claim to represent God
and receive the tithes-only the Levites!!

Where did these tithes come from?

Leviticus 27:30-33
"And all the TITHE of the LAND, whether of the SEED of the land,
or of the FRUIT, of the tree, is the Lord's: it is holy unto the Lord
And if a man will at all redeem ought of his tithes,
he shall add thereto the fifth part thereof
And concerning the TITHE of the HERD, or of the FLOCK,
even of whatsoever passes under the rod,
the tenth shall be holy unto the Lord
(the 10th one that was counted as it passed under the rod)
He shall not search whether it be
good or bad, neither shall he change it..."

The tithe was from the land, the herds, and the flocks
Not from the air or the sea

(fishermen were not required to tithe fish)

It was the "seed" or agricultural products
from the field that was holy to God and tithable
Products from "trees" were to be tithed
This not only included the fruit, but oils etc


(does anyone see money listed here?)

Also, notice, where our churches today
instruct us to pay the ..FIRST.. tenth to the church-

God said ..the tenth one...
of the herd or flock that passed under the rod,
as they were counting, was to be the tithe!!

It was not the first tenth, but rather
the tenth tenth that belonged to God

If the herdsman only had nine cows
he didn't have to tithe at all !!

In the old testament, the Day of Atonement
revealed the future salvation through Jesus

Once a year, the High Priest
would lay his hands on the head of a living goat
called the "scapegoat"

This act, was to pass all the sins of Israel
for that year onto the sacrifice

John the Baptist, through his father
Zacharias and his mother Elisabeth,
was a descendant of Aaron ther High Priest

He was the last Levite Priest
in the line of Aaron; and it was he,
who put the sins of the world
onto the head of Jesus at his baptism

Jesus then proceeded to the cross;
shed his blood, and died for the sins of the world

The Levitical system of sacrifices ended
when Christ died on the cross,and the veil in the temple
was torn from top to bottom

No longer was there anymore
a need for the animal sacrifices

No longer was there a need
for the sacrificial system

No longer was there a need
for the Levite Priesthood

No longer was there a need
for tithing to the tribe of Levites

No longer was there Tithing!!

Notice this remarkable story
of the only time the temple tax
came up in the ministry of Jesus

Most Christians will never hear
an explanation of these verses
as long as they live!!

These verses are highly incriminating
to those who teach the tithing of money to the Church:

Matt 17: 24-27
"And when they were come to Capernaum,
they that received tribute money came to Peter, and said,
Does not your master pay tribute

(Greek: 'pay the double drachma'
which was the exact amount
of the annual Temple tax)?

He says, Yes

(Peter was embarrassed and apparently
not honest with his answer)

And when he was come
into the house, Jesus prevented him

(Greek: prophthano-to get an earlier start of,
forestalls or anticipated him)

saying, What do you think, Simon?
Of whom do the kings of the earth
take custom or tribute (taxes)?
Of their own children [sons] or of strangers?

Peter said unto Him, of strangers

Jesus said unto him,

go thou to the sea, and cast an hook,
and take up the fish that first comes up;
and when you have opened his mouth,
thou shall find a piece of money
that take and give unto them
for Me and thee"

What an amazing truth!!

No wonder most Christians
have never heard this Scripture explained

The reason Peter said "yes" to the tribute collector
was because it was embarrassing to Him
to say, "NO, my master does NOT pay temple tax"

It was such a small amount of money

(less than a dollar)

But then Peter has to go into the house
and give Jesus an appraisal of what had just happened

Jesus being merciful to Peter
does not reprimand him for not being honest
with the tribute collector, but rather, cuts him off
(forestalls him) before he can speak
and saves Peter the embarrassment

The point is this:
Jesus did not pay temple tax...because
Jesus is the King of the kingdom!!

And if the children are free, certainly; the King Himself is free!!


Malachi 3:8-12
"Will a man rob God? Yet you have robbed Me.
But you say, Wherein have we robbed thee?
In tithes and offerings
Ye are cursed with a curse:
for ye have robbed me, even this whole nation
Bring ye all the tithes into the storehouse,
that there may be meat in mine house,
and prove me now herewith, saith the Lord
of hosts, if I will not open you the windows of heaven,
and pour you out a blessing, that there shall not be
room enough to receive it

It is obvious from the above text,
that God was not at all pleased with the
Israelites concerning their tithing practices

Now, all those, who BELIEVE ...that tithing is valid
for the New Testament Church-
are correct in believing that the above verses APPLY to them

If they tithe they may expect blessings,
if they don't, they may expect curses

But what is wrong with the above statement?

The "error" comes from the re-definition
of two keywords used in the above text;

by those who want to present tithing in their own way

The "tithes" are presented to be the tenth portion
of your income which is given away and deposited
into the "storehouse"

The "storehouse"
is presented to be your church's savings account

The key to understanding this is in the preceding verse:

Malachi 3:7
Even from the days of your fathers
ye are gone away from mine ordinances,
and have not kept them

God is pointing the Israelites (and us)
to his "ordinances" concerning tithing

Tithing according to God's ordinances

Thou mayest not eat within thy gates
the tithe of thy corn, or of thy wine...
But thou must eat them before the Lord thy God...
thou, and thy son and thy daughter, and thy manservant,
and thy maidservant and the Levite that is within thy gates:
and thou shalt rejoice before the Lord thy God

Thou shalt truly tithe all the increase of thy seed
that the field bringeth forth year by year
And thou shalt eat before the Lord thy God
in the place that he shall choose to place his name there,
the tithe of thy corn, of thy wine...
that thou mayest learn to fear the Lord thy God always

Deu 14:24-26
And if the way be too long for thee,
so that thou art not able to carry it...
Then shalt thou turn it into money,
and bind up the money in thine hand,
and shall go unto the place which
the Lord thy God shall choose:
And thou shalt bestow that money
for whatsoever thy soul lusteth after,
for oxen, or for sheep, or for wine,
or for ..STRONG DRINK.., or for whatsoever thy soul desireth:
and thou shalt eat there before the Lord thy God,
and thou shalt rejoice, thou and thine household.

Those were the commandments of God
concerning tithing which were given to Moses

I find this verses to be worthy of thought:

Ye shall after all the things that we do here this day,
every man whatsoever is right in his own eyes
For ye are not as yet come to the rest and to the inheritance,
which the Lord your God giveth you

So, the Israelites were supposed to take their tithes
to the appointed place, and eat them there before the Lord,
rejoicing, with their family, their servants and their local Levite
who was within their gates

The Levites were to be allocated cities
within each tribe ("within your gates")
where they were supposed to live with their families

These Levites were not those who served
in the Tabernacle (or, later on, in the temple),
but those who have chosen to remain
in their cities within each tribal land

They would join the Israelites on those special trips
to the appointed place of worship, where they would join
in the celebrations and consumption of tithes

The Israelites
were commanded to ..EAT.. their tithes

The tithes were supposed to be consumed
in an atmosphere of celebration, sharing, and
communion with fellow Israelites and with God

Therefore, this is not the tithe
spoken of in Malachi given for the storehouse

Was the temple used as a storehouse?

And that we should bring...
the tithes of our ground unto the Levites
that the same Levites might have the tithes
in all the cities of our tillage

(farming community)

And the priest, the son of Aaron,
shall be with the Levites when the Levites take tithes:
and the Levites shall bring up the tithe (10th) of the tithes
unto the house of our God, to the chambers,
into the treasure house

Some rooms in the temple were indeed referred to
as the "storehouse", but they were used to store
the tithes of the tithes (10th of the tithes)
which were called the "heave offerings"
that the LEVITES were to give to the priests

Therefore, these rooms in the temple
were not the "storehouse"
where the ISRAELITES were to bring their tithes

The Levites were to receive their tithes
in the places where they lived in their farming communities
from which they would give tithes to the priests

in conclusion...


Where did the "Christian Law of Tithing come from?"

The Bible?

Absolutely not !!

There is not one single example in the Bible
of a "Christian" tithing to the church
or a command to do so,

and that is a Scriptural fact!!

Notice this telling bit of history
from the Encyclopedia Britannica:

"Tithes in Christendom―
The earliest authentic example of anything
like a law of the State enforcing payment
appears to occur in the capitularies [ecclesiasticals]
of Charlemagne at the end of the 8th or beginning of the 9th century
Tithes were by that enactment to be applied
to the maintenance of the bishop, clergy, the poor,
and the fabric of the church

In the course of time
the principle of payment of tithes was extended
FAR BEYOND its original intention

Thus they became transferable to laymen
and saleable like ordinary property,
in spite of the injunctions of the third Lateran Council;

and they became payable
[not just farming and herding, but other trades
and occupations and salaries paid in the form of money]
(1963, volume 22, page 253, ‘TITHES’) (Emphasis mine)


It was from the powerful Catholic Church
that the unscriptural practice
(did you notice the word "enforcing?")
of Christian tithing originated
many hundreds of years after the original Apostles

Truth be known, the "Reformation" did virtually nothing
to "reform" the corrupted Church of Christ

Enforcing the tithing of money on Believers
as if it were a law of God to do so,
is a damnable heresy that has caused untold pain and suffering
and only led to more corruption and worldliness in the Church

Either tithing is a law that Christians must obey or it isn’t a law
If it is, then it is a SIN to not tithe,
and no one could be saved until they repented of breaking this law

But if it is not a law, then it is a SIN to teach that it is a law!!

And as it decidedly is not
a New Covenant Law binding on Christians-

Those who teach it will be condemned and cursed
for teaching it and living like worldly fat cats from it...

As they sow: so shall they reap
As they judge others: so shall they be judged
What measure of punishment
they deem fit in their false teaching:
they will have measured back on them

Scriptural tithing was for Israelites ONLY,
giving a tenth of farm and herd products ONLY,
under the law of Moses ONLY,
to the poor, widows, strangers, and the tribe of Levite ONLY,
up until the destruction of the Temple in Jerusalem in 70 AD, ONLY

NOTHING else is "Biblical Tithing"

Abraham NEVER tithed his own personal property,

Jacob said he would tithe once,
but ..ONLY.. after God would make him rich first

Jesus NEVER taught His disciples to tithe to the church!!

The Apostles NEVER collected tithes from the church!!

Paul NEVER taught tithing to the Gentiles
or collected tithes from them!!

And money was NEVER EVER
a tithable commodity, not even under Moses

True Believers are cheerful, generous givers,
not coerced and threatened tithe payers

with their backs toward the temple of the Lord;
they worshipped the sun toward the east

The Pagan Origin of EASTER

Easter is a day that is honored
by nearly all of contemporary Christianity
and is used to celebrate
the resurrection of Jesus Christ

The holiday often involves
a church service at sunrise,
a feast which includes an "Easter Ham",
decorated eggs and stories about rabbits

Those who love truth
learn to ask questions,
and many questions must be asked
regarding the holiday of Easter

Is it truly the day
when Jesus arose from the dead?

Where did all of
the strange customs come from,
which have nothing to do
with the resurrection of our Saviour?

The purpose of this writing
is to help answer those questions,
and to help those who seek truth
to draw their own conclusions

The first thing we must understand
is that professing Christians
were not the only ones
who celebrated a festival
called "Easter"

"Ishtar", which is pronounced "Easter"
was a day that commemorated
the resurrection of one of their gods
that they called "Tammuz",

Tammuz was believed to be
the only begotten son
of the moon-goddess and the sun-god

In those ancient times,
there was a man named Nimrod,
who was the grandson
of one of Noah's sons named Ham

Ham had a son named Cush
who married a woman named Semiramis

Cush and Semiramis
then had a son named him "Nimrod"

After the death of his father,
Nimrod married his own mother
and became a powerful King

The Bible tells us of this man,
Nimrod, in Genesis 10:8-10 as follows:

"And Cush begat Nimrod:
he began to be a mighty one in the earth

He was a mighty hunter before the Lord:

wherefore it is said,
even as Nimrod
the mighty hunter before the Lord

And the beginning of his kingdom
was Babel, and Erech, and Accad,and Calneh,
in the land of Shinar

Nimrod became a god-man to the people
and Semiramis, his wife and mother,
became the powerful Queen of ancient Babylon

Nimrod was eventually killed by an enemy,
and his body was cut in pieces and sent to
various parts of his kingdom

Semiramis had all of the parts gathered,
except for one part that could not be found

That missing part was his reproductive organ

Semiramis claimed that Nimrod
could not come back to life without it;

and told the people of Babylon
that Nimrod had ascended to the sun
and was now to be called "Baal", the sun god

Queen Semiramis also proclaimed
that Baal would be present on earth
in the form of a flame,
whether candle or lamp, when used in worship

Semiramis was creating a mystery religion,
and with the help of Satan,
she set herself up as a goddess

Semiramis claimed
that she was immaculately conceived

She taught that the moon was a goddess
that went through a 28 day cycle
and ovulated when full

She further claimed
that she came down from the moon
in a giant moon egg
that fell into the Euphrates River

This was to have happened
at the time of the first full moon
after the spring equinox

Semiramis became known as "Ishtar"
which is pronounced "Easter",
and her moon egg
became known as "Ishtar's" egg"

Ishtar soon became pregnant
and claimed that it was the rays
of the sun-god Baal
that caused her to conceive

The son that she brought forth
was named Tammuz

Tammuz was noted
to be especially fond of rabbits,
and they became sacred in the ancient religion,
because Tammuz was believed
to be the son of the sun-god, Baal

Tammuz, like his supposed father, became a hunter

The day came
when Tammuz was killed by a wild pig

Queen Ishtar told the people
that Tammuz was now ascended
to his father, Baal,
and that the two of them
would be with the worshippers
in the sacred candle or lamp flame
as Father, Son and Spirit

Ishtar, who was now worshipped
as the "Mother of God and Queen of Heaven",
continued to build her mystery religion

The queen told the worshippers
that when Tammuz was killed by the wild pig,
some of his blood fell on the stump
of an evergreen tree, and the stump grew
into a full new tree overnight

This made the evergreen tree
sacred by the blood of Tammuz

This would carry over to our Christmas belief-
but it was actually the Son; of the Sun God Baal
who was born on Dec 25th

Jer 10:3
For the customs of the people are vain:
for one cutteth a tree out of the forest,
the work of the hands of the workman, with the axe

Jer 10:4
They deck it with silver and with gold;
they fasten it with nails and with hammers, that it move not

She also proclaimed a forty day period
of time of sorrow each year
prior to the anniversary of the death of Tammuz

During this time, no meat was to be eaten

Worshipers were to meditate
upon the sacred mysteries of Baal and Tammuz,
and to make the sign of the "T"
in front of their hearts as they worshiped

They also ate sacred cakes
with the marking of a "T" or cross on the top

Every year, on the first Sunday
after the first full moon and
after the spring equinox, a celebration was made

It was Ishtar's Sunday
and was celebrated with rabbits and eggs

Ishtar also proclaimed
that because Tammuz was killed by a pig,
that a pig must be eaten on that Sunday

By now, the readers of this writing
should have made the connection
as to how paganism has infiltrated into
the contemporary "Christian" churches,

and further study indicates
that this paganism came in
by way of the Roman Catholic System

The truth is
that Easter has nothing whatsoever to do
with the resurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ

We also know,
that Easter can be as much as three weeks
away from the Passover,
because this pagan holiday is always set
as the first Sunday after the first full moon
after the spring equinox

Some have wondered
why the word "Easter"
is in the the King James Bible

It is because
Acts, chapter 12, tells us
that it was the evil King Herod,
who was planning to celebrate Easter,
and not the Christians

The true Passover and pagan Easter
sometimes coincide, but in some years,
they are a great distance apart

We know that the Bible tells us in John 4:24,

God is spirit: and they that worship him
must worship him in spirit and in truth

The truth is, that the forty days of Lent,
eggs, rabbits,hot cross buns and the Easter ham

have everything to do with the ancient pagan
religion of Mystery Babylon
And they are all, anti-christ activities!!

Satan is a master deceiver, and has filled the lives
of well-meaning, professing Christians with idolatry

These things bring
the wrath of God
upon children of disobedience,
who try to make the pagan
customs of Baal Christian worship

You must answer
for your activities
and for what you
teach your children

These customs of Easter honor Baal,
who is also Satan, and is still worshipped
as the "Rising Sun" and his house is the
"House of the Rising Sun"

How many churches have "sunrise services"
on Ishtar's day and face the rising sun in the East?

What does the true God think about Sun Worship?

Eze 8:16
And he brought me into
the inner court of the LORD'S house,
and, behold, at the door of the temple of the LORD,
between the porch and the altar,
were about five and twenty men,
with their backs toward the temple of the LORD,
and their faces toward the east;
and they worshiped the sun toward the east

Eze 8:17
Then he said unto me,
Hast thou seen this, O son of man?
Is it a light thing to the house of Judah
that they commit the abominations
which they commit here?

In conclusion

Yahushuah (Jesus)
said there would be one sign given
that would prove who he really was

Mat 12:40
For as Jonas
was three days and three nights
in the whale's belly;
so shall the Son of man be
three days and three nights
in the heart of the earth

A Good Friday Crucifixion
is not possible as it does not
allow for the three days
in the heart of the earth

A day according to the Bible,
is from "even to even"
or "sunset to sunset"

Lev 23:32
From "even" to "even"
shall ye celebrate your Sabbath

But when is "even"?

Mark 1:32
And at "even" when the sun did set

That is why in Genesis 1:5,8 It says;

And the evening and the morning
were the first day,

And the evening and the morning
were the second day,

Darkness came first
at the beginning of a day
according to the Bible!


Therefore Yahushuah (Jesus)
was crucified Wed at sunset:

DAY 1 Wed sunset to Thurs sunset
DAY 2 Thurs sunset to Fri sunset
DAY 3 Fri sunset to Sat (Sabbath) sunset

Mat 28:1
In the end of the sabbath,
as it began to dawn
toward the first day of the week,
came Mary Magdalene and the other Mary
to see the sepulchre

Yahushuah (Jesus)
rose from the tomb Sat at sunset
which would be the first day of the week
according to an actual Bible day-


Act 17:30
And the times of this ignorance God winked at;
but now commandeth all men every where to repent


Acts 17:31
Because He hath appointed A DAY, in which
He will JUDGE THE WORLD (Greek-inhabited earth)
in righteousness

Before God brings this final judgment
on the entirety of the world,
he must first perform another judgment
on another group of people...

This judgment is going on right now,
yet many are not even aware of it

1Pet 4:16-17
Yet if any man suffer as a Christian,
let him not be ashamed;
but let him glorify God on this behalf
For the TIME IS COME that

John the Baptist said that Jesus
would be baptizing repentant believers with fire

Matt 3:11
I indeed baptize you with water unto REPENTANCE:
but He that comes after me is mightier than I,
Whose shoes I am not worthy to bear:
He shall baptize you with the Holy Spirit,

Peter said:
1Pet 4:12
Beloved, think it NOT STRANGE
concerning the fiery trial which is to try you,
as though some STRANGE thing happened unto you

Peter also said:
1Pet 1:7
That the trial of your faith,
being much more precious than of gold that perishes,
though it (your faith) be TRIED IN THE FIRE,
might be found unto praise and honour and glory
at the appearing of Jesus Christ

Paul said:
1Cor 3:13
Every man’s work (including believers)
shall be made manifest; for the day shall declare it,
because it shall be revealed BY FIRE, and the FIRE
shall try every man’s work of what sort it is

Jesus said:
Mark 9:49
For EVERY ONE (sinner and saint)
shall be salted with FIRE

Christian will NOT escape being
revealed, tried, salted, and baptized by FIRE

Whatever this "fire" is,
it is going to be used ON EVERYONE (Rev 21:8)

And are these non-believers
judged differently from believers
who are revealed, tried, salted and baptized IN FIRE?

Just HOW are these non-believers judged
in the book of Revelation?

How are the "fearful, and unbelieving, and the abominable,
and murderers, and whoremongers, and sorcerers,
and idolaters, and all liars..." JUDGED?

Answer: ...In the lake WHICH BURNS WITH FIRE

Is this "fire" in the book of Revelation DIFFERENT
from the fire that tries the works of believers
in the book of I Corinthians?

NO, The word "fire"
used in the four examples above concerning believers,
is the SAME word "fire" used in the book of Revelation
concerning non-believers:

STRONG’s Greek Dictionary of the New Testament:
page 219, #4442, pur; a primary word; "fire"
(literally OR FIGURATIVELY) Pur is used
(besides its ordinary natural significance)

Strong’s Expanded Exhaustive Concordance of the Bible:
in Rev 3:18 it is SYMBOLIC of
that which tries the faith of saints,

It is NOT the "believer" who "produces" these glorious things,
but it is the "SYMBOLIC FIRE" that produces them

And just Who is this "symbolic fire?"

It is, of course, GOD

Also from Strong's:
of the fire of DIVINE JUDGMENT upon the REJECTERS of Christ,
Matt 3:11 (where a distinction is to be made between
the baptism of the holy Spirit at Pentecost
and the "fire" of divine retribution;
Acts 2:3 could not refer to baptism); Luke 3:16

In conclusion...

Unless God Almighty
through the purging power of His FIERY SPIRIT,
is BURNING OUT the lusts and passions and vanity
and haughtiness and greed and self-righteousness
and laziness and weakness and hypocrisy and wickedness
and pride and materialism and cynicism and depravity
and carnality in your life,

then Jesus Christ is NOT choosing you
to reign with Him
as the Sons of God in the Kingdom of God
and to bring ALL Heaven and Earth
to repentance and salvation

Our character flaws of the mind and spirit
are going to be burned out of us all

God will either BURN OUT these filthy impurities
from our hearts and minds NOW,

but either way, make no mistake about it,



Christ spoke ONLY in parables
when talking with the masses,

Matt 13:34
"ALL these things
spake Jesus unto the multitude in PARABLES;
and without a parable spake He NOT unto them"


A parable is a story
that contains in figurative or symbolic language
a higher moral or spiritual truth

GLORIOUS teachings of ETERNAL things

they are of little consequence;

they are of enormous consequence

But without knowing...
what the symbols represent in a parable-
no one could ever understand the higher meaning

Therefore the multitudes of people
did not understand the teaching of Jesus Christ,

He did not explain the meaning
of the symbols to the masses-
only to his disciples in private

Some parables require only a little spiritual understanding


The Parable of a Beam in One’s Eye

There are few believers who would not
understand the meaning of this parable,
although they might not practice its teaching

Others such as The Parable of the Prodigal Son
requires much more spiritual understanding,
as there are many more spiritual truths within this story

Many Christians can only understand parables
that require very little spiritual understanding

When reading the "deeper" parables,
they can not comprehend The higher meaning
which is totally missed, and/or not believed

A simple example:

"Another parable spoke He unto them;
The kingdom of heaven is like unto leaven,
which a woman took, and hid in three measures of meal,
till the whole was leavened"

Jesus didn’t explain this parable,

So what does it mean?

Most, ...certainly understand,
that leaven (like yeast) put into dough
will cause the dough to rise through fermentation

But what is the spiritual application of this parable?

Paul tells us that,

"Know ye not that a little leaven leavens the whole lump"

But who believes this parable?

According to Jesus, the kingdom of God
is like this parable of the leaven and the lump

The kingdom of God moves and works
throughout the entirety of the universe
until the WHOLE of God’s creation is brought
under its influence

But who believes it?

The time comes
when Jesus Christ will turn over
the kingdom of God to His Father:

1Cor 15:24,28b
"Then comes the end,
when He shall have delivered up
the kingdom to God, even the Father;
when He shall have put down all rule
and all authority and power


Then the whole lump will be leavened with God!!


This parable is not literal

The kingdom of God is not literally "leaven in a lump of dough!!

These teachings are SPIRITUAL!!!


Every parable teaches a spiritual truth

If you do not understand
the parable of the leaven and the dough-

you don’t understand the gospel!!

Because the leaven in the dough
is like the kingdom of God
and Jesus came preaching

You see...

if the leaven
does NOT leaven the WHOLE lump,
then it is NOT "like the kingdom of God"

Anything that does not involve the whole (everyone)
cannot be "like" the kingdom of God

For anything to be
"like" the kingdom of God...
it must involve the whole, the all, everyone, ALL MANKIND

Therefore Jesus said...

The kingdom of God is "like" leaven
that leavens the WHOLE LUMP!!!

The Secret of Praying

How to have every prayer
that you will ever pray-

First you must know and believe:

Elohim is a Sovereign God,
knowing ALL THINGS
before you even ask and

Eph 1:11
Who works ALL THINGS
after the council of HIS OWN WILL

Jesus himself, revealed an amazing truth
during his most serious moment in prayer
in the garden of Gethsemane after
the last supper with his disciples

Mat 26:36
Then cometh Jesus with them
unto a place called Gethsemane,
and saith unto the disciples,
Sit ye here, while I go and pray yonder

Mat 26:37
And he took with him Peter
and the two sons of Zebedee,
and began to be sorrowful and very heavy

Mat 26:38
Then saith he unto them,
even unto death: tarry ye here, and watch with me

Mat 26:39
And he went a little farther,
and FELL ON HIS FACE, and prayed, saying,
O my Father, if it be possible, LET THIS CUP PASS
from me: nevertheless not as I will, BUT AS THOU WILT

Was Jesus sincerely, with all his heart, requesting that
IF AT ALL POSSIBLE "let this cup pass?"

YES, He surely was!!

Did God answer the prayer of Jesus to "let this cup pass?"

NO, He didn’t!!

Yet, did not Jesus get His prayer answered?

YES, He surely did!!

How so?

Because Jesus’ greater desire
was that his Father’s will be done,
rather than "let this cup pass"

Jesus has just shown us
not only the answer to ALL answered prayer
but also the answer to ALL unanswered prayer!!

If you always pray, "not as I will, but as THOU will,"
all of your prayers will be answered too!!

Whether you always get what you desire
or you do not get what you desire,

if your greatest desire of all desires
is for "THY WILL be done,"

then you can rest assured that from this day forward,
all of your prayers will always be answered!!

Elohim's WILL which is his intention for the way
he has already preordained everything to go,
will always be done!!

And believe me,
No prayer has ever changed
what God has planned or purposed to happen
exactly as he preordained and WILLED for it to happen

If it is God’s intention
for you to be blessed by some particular favor,

and God INSPIRES you to pray for that favor
then it will surely be given to you

If on the other hand,
if it was not God’s intention
for you to be blessed by some particular favor,

then no amount of praying
will cause God to grant it to you

Either way, God’s will must and will be done,

and if that is your GREATEST DESIRE in your prayers
then whether you receive some particular favor
or you don’t receive it, nevertheless,
your prayer will be answered!!

1John 5:14
And this is the confidence that we have in him,
that, if we ask any thing
he heareth us

Rom 8:26
Likewise the Spirit also helpeth our infirmities (weaknesses):
for we know not what we should pray for as we ought:
but the Spirit itself maketh intercession (prayer) for us
with groanings which cannot be uttered

So what should you pray for?

Anything you desire that aligns with God's WILL

If God has blessed you with your physical needs
of food, clothing, shelter, and transportation-

then pray for the qualities of love, mercy, forgiveness,
kindness, gentleness, meekness, faith, courage,
knowledge, understanding, wisdom,
patience, self-control, and thankfulness!!

God is our Father and Jesus is our Saviour

God wants to hear from you!!

Talk to him!!

About anything and everything important enough
for you to think about or be concerned about

And always be thankful!!

At night when you lay down to sleep, spend a few minutes,
and thank God not only for your loved ones;
but even for your pillow, your bed,
the shelter over your head,
your refrigerator, your indoor plumbing,
the water you have to drink

and above all these, the Father who loved you
so far beyond your understanding,
that he sacrificed his only Son
so that you may live and become
his very image and Son/Daughter


The Sacred Names were thought to be to Sacred
to be uttered and therefore they were removed
from the Scriptures over 6,800 times and
replaced with Lord or God

and so

Masses of Christians, have been pursuing
for many years, a personal relationship
with their Lord and Saviour
and yet, after all this time;

They, have never even known his real name!!


Proverbs 30:4
who has established all the ends of the earth?
what is His NAME, and what is his Son's NAME,

A brief study in linguistics

To translate is to explain the meaning
of one language using the words of another

To transliterate is to spell a word
using the letters of another language

"I am" is the English translation
of the meaning of God’s personal name

The English transliteration
of God’s personal name is YHVH, or YHWH

With vowels added, YAHVEH or YAHWEH,
being translated to I AM WHO I AM

No matter what language you use,
whether you translate or transliterate,

YHVH's name means "I am who I am"
and it directly points to his real name,
which is the same in all languages

YHVH is the personal NAME of the Creator,
and revealed in the four letters YOD, HEY, VAV, HEY

Although often transliterated as YAHWEH,

But it is more accurately transliterated as YAHVEH

V is the better transliteration
as there is there is no letter
in Hebrew like the W (double-U)

The four Hebrew letters transliterated YHVH are:

a Yod, rhymes with "rode", which we transliterate..."Y"

a He, rhymes with "say", which we transliterate.…."H"

a Vav, like "lava", which we transliterate "W" or......."V"

a He rhymes with "say", which we transliterate..…."H"

Original Hebrew didn't have any vowels,
and was written right to left

Some of the consonants carry with them
the indication of associated vowel sounds

The Y is associated with the sound of a "long e", as in “beam”

The H is associated with the sound of a "short a" as “ah”

The Vav ("W" or "V") is associated with the vowel “u”
and produces the sound in the word "cool"

The H is associated with the sound of a "short a" as “ah!”

Thus, the name of the Creator
sounds something like "ee-ah oo' ah", (Yah-oo' ah)
with the accent on the second of the three syllables

Psalm 68:4
Sing unto God, sing praises to his name:
extol him that rideth upon the heavens
by his name YAH, and rejoice before him

“JAH” is transliterated in Bible but there is no "J" in Hebrew

The name of YAH is related to the Hebrew verb "Hoveh"
which means "to be" ( I am I was I will be)

Therefore "YAH Hoveh" (transliterated as JAH hoveh)
in the present tense means "YAH is"

So therefore, YAH could also
be his actual or abbreviated name

Deut 6:4
Hear, O Israel: The Lord our God is one Lord:


HEAR ...ISRAEL..YAH..IS ..........OUR GOD.YAH..IS ........ONE

Even the most ancient of praises
ends with the name YAH

YAH is the last part
of the word "halleluYah" and means "praise YAH"

Now let's take a closer look at the Son's NAME

The Hebrew/Jewish name for the Jewish Messiah is:





Y'SHUAH means
"YAH is Salvation" or "YAH the Saviour"

This sacred name was gradually changed
to "Je-Zeus Khristos" by the pagan masses
who converted and joined the originally Jewish Messianic Sect

Christianity was born, with a mixture
of pagan customs and traditions

Constantine the Great, was a Zeus worshiper,
who converted to Christianity which resulted
in worshipers of the sun god, Zeus,
entering into the Christian religion

YAHU'SHUAH'S abbreviated form of Y'SHUAH
became "Y'Zeus" or Je-Zeus which eventually
became "Jesus" in English

The name "Jesus" was never applied
to the SAVIOUR during his lifetime,
nor for nearly 300 years after
his death and resurrection

The correct name of the Messiah, YAHU'SHUAH,
is the only name by which he was known to his
disciples, though he has several titles such as
Rabbi, Son of Man, Saviour, Anointed, King of Kings

Not even once did he ever hear
himself addressed as "Jesus Christ"
even when the Greek proselytes went to Philip and
said, "We would see YAHU'SHUAH" (John 12:20, 21)

A second witness of such a change
is the translation of Luke 4:27,

where it refers to the prophet "Eliseus"
and an event recorded in 2 Kings 5:14

The Prophet's Hebrew name, however,
was 'Eli'Shuah', which means "God is my Salvation"

The same pagan influence that changed
Y'SHUAH to "Y'Zeus" is reflected in the change
of "Eli'Shuah" to Eli' Zeus ("My God is Zeus")

is used often, in the Tanach (Old Testament)

as well as in the official Jewish daily
and festival prayer books, where it is
generally translated as "Salvation"

The Father's name YHVH
is written using four Hebrew letters
(right to left) YOD HEY VAV HEY

His true Hebrew name is YAHUAH
which means I WAS I AM I WILL BE

The Son's name YAHU'SHUAH
is written using five Hebrew letters
(right to left) YOD HEY VAV SHIN HEY

(The written Shin is pronounced Shu)

"Shu" is a Hebrew root word meaning
SALVATION, deliverance, overcoming,
health, help, prosperity, and welfare

When you add the root "Shu"
to the Father's name between the "u" and the "a"
this results in the Son's name YAHU'SHUAH




YAHUAH the Father sent YAHU'SHUAH his Son
to be SAVIOUR of the entire world

The FATHER's True Hebrew Name is:




The SON's True Hebrew Name is:







Isaiah 52:6
Therefore my people shall know my NAME:

Psalm 9:10
And they that know thy NAME
will put their trust in thee:

John 17:6
I have manifested thy NAME
unto the men which thou gavest me out of the world:

John 17:26
And I have declared unto them
thy NAME and will declare it:

John 14:13-14
And whatsoever ye shall ask in my NAME,
that will I do, that the Father may be glorified in the Son

If you ask anything in my NAME I will do it

Acts 4:12
for there is no other NAME under heaven
given among men whereby we must be saved

Rom 10:13
For whosoever shall call upon
the NAME of the Lord shall be saved

May the Father YAHUAH bless you
through his Holy Son YAHU'SHUAH

William Wilbur

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