Your soul can be transformed (saved) from worshipping Visible Shadows to the Revelation of seeing heavenly Invisible things through the Bible.
Your soul can be transformed (SAVED) from worshipping the masking Visible Earthly Shadows (Veils) presented by the carnally taught Old Covenant Bible (Genesis to the Book of Revelation) handwritten in letter to the Revelation of seeing with your soul (understanding) so that you are enabled by God to worship the heavenly Invisible GODHEAD in His kingdom through the ENTIRE New Covenant Bible that is taught and interpreted by the Holy Spirit if He indwells your soul. 2 Corinth 4, Heb 10:1-12, Col 2:10-23. 2 Corinth 3: 5-6.
Your soul can be transformed From Worshipping Earthly Veiling Visible things of the old Covenant Bible to Worshipping Heavenly Invisible things revealed by the New Covenant Bible.
Your soul can be transformed from believing the earthly visible veiling shadows presented by the carnally interpreted old handwritten Covenant Bible, the letter to the understanding of the New Covenant Bible interpreted for you by the enabling of the indwelling Spirit of God to abolish the Earthly veil in your soul that prevent you to see with your soul the Heavenly ONE GOD, THE GODHEAD. Coloss 2, Rom 12:1-2, 2 Corinth3: 5-6, 2 Corinth 4.
Earthly things of the Bible that are visible to the human natural, body eye are Copies of the true invisible things of heaven that are revealed by the New Covenant Bible taught by the Spirit of God. For example the historic Moses, the a human being is replaced by Moses who can be read who is invisible and heavenly in 2 Corinth 3:13-15, Heb chapters 7,8,9,10
The earthly visible jesus christ thatwas born and preached in Israel of the Middle East is replaced by the invisible Christ who is Come in a volume of a book (revealed as the New Covenant Bible, the New High Priest) who is heavenly and who can also be READ. 2 Corinth 3: 13-15.
You need the Holy Spirit revelation to see (understand) this heavenly vision because earthly visible things are shadows of heavenly invisible things. Heb 10:1-9, 2 Corinth 3:13-15, 2 Corinth 4, 2 Corinth 5:16, Rev 5.
The visible earthly Israel an earthly nation is replaced by the invisible Israel who are people of all nationalities circumcised in their hearts by the Word of God. Roman 2: 28-29. You need the Holy Spirit revelation to see the New heavenly breed of Israel as people being elected and choosen from all the nations of the globe.
The list is long which includes Abraham, Sarah , Agar, Mt Sanai, David, Solomon, Noah, Daniel etc.
Would you like your dead soul to continue reading the old Bible using your natural understanding or will you humble yourself, repent of your sins and pray for God to enable you read the soul saving New Covenant Bible with the help of His Spirit that reveals the invisible things of heaven? 2 Corinth 3: 5-6.
Pastor Patrick Bwayo
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