Guardians Prayer Warriors

Spreading God's Love Thru Prayer

Your Understanding can be transformed from the carnally taught earthly kingdom Bible into the Heavenly kingdom taught by the Holy Spirit inspired Bible

Your Understanding can be transformed from the carnally taught earthly kingdom Bible into the Heavenly kingdom taught by the Holy Spirit inspired Bible.

My request is please make copies of this message ON TRACTS:

HEADING: Transformation OF SOULS into the Kingdom of God by the NEW Bible (NEW COVENANT) explained by The Spirit Of God. 2 Peter 1: 10-12 KJV bible

MESSAGE ON TRACT: The handwritten Bible in black and white in letter from the beginning of the Book of Genesis to the end of the Book of Revelation when is READ, taught and interpreted by the soul that is not indwelt by the Holy Spirit, in human limited knowledge and wisdom is revealed to be the Old covenant that kills souls. 2 Corinth 3:5-6. The Old covenant Bible Word as the High Priest is MOSES to this day of 2009 who is still being READ and is still leading all Bible readers of all global nations called Israel (by revelation) to the promised land (THE PROMISED NEW COVENANT BIBLE)...instead of a physical place called Cannan in the Middle East. 2 Corinth 3: 13-15. Rom 2: 28-29, Rom Chapters 7 & 8.

But the very handwritten Bible read for us, taught and interpreted in a soul by the indwelling Spirit of God in soul enables that chosen soul to read the Old Bible in a New WAY in the wisdom and knowledge of God that transforms the old Covenant Bible into a New Covenant Bible that can be READ called CHRIST, the New High Priest ministered by the Holy Spirit. 2 Corinth 3:5-6;13-15. Heb 10: 1-9, James 1: 18-21, Rev 5. The Father reveals the Son and the Son reveals the Father. Matth 11:17. Amen. He who reads Christ, the New Covenat Bible has SEEN (understood) the Father. Heb 1:1-2, Eph chapters 1- 4: 20.

Has your soul been transformed into the Kingdom of God by the teaching of the ENGRAFTED NEW COVENANT BIBLE (CHRIST) THAT SAVES AND GIVES ETERNAL LIFE TO A SOUL? James 1:18-2, Rev 5, 1 John 2:7-8, Isaiah 45:7-8.

To know more of this, please contact: Then Please Insert your contact or yours and (mine or both) optional.
Please make tracts and distribute these tracts prayerfully in your area, in churches and market places and institutions of learning. Fear not, depend on God's power, leading and protection.

Please also distribute them on internet.
Ask your friends to do likewise.
Pastor Patrick Box 1255, Mbale Uganda. Please also go to google, yahoo or msn search bar and type "Pastor Patrick Bwayo" for more inspired messages.

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