Guardians Prayer Warriors

Spreading God's Love Thru Prayer

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At 6:12pm on June 2, 2008, Ladyk said…
At 8:20am on June 2, 2008, Teresa L Blake said…
At 3:18pm on June 1, 2008, bsacct said…
At 12:57pm on June 1, 2008, Lady_angel said…
At 10:04am on June 1, 2008, Teresa L Blake said…
At 9:46am on May 29, 2008, Lady_angel said…

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Guardians Tag Ministry

A Prayer:
I ask You to bless my friends, relatives and those that I care deeply for,
who are reading this right now.
Show them a new revelation of Your love and power.
Holy Spirit,
I ask You to minister to their spirit at this very moment.
Where there is pain, give them Your peace and mercy.
Where there is self-doubt, release a renewed confidence through Your grace.
Where there is need, I ask you to fulfill their needs.
Bless their homes, families, finances, their goings and their comings.


At 10:24am on May 27, 2008, Lady_angel said…

At 6:51am on May 26, 2008, godfirstus said…

Create Fake Magazine Covers with your own picture at

At 4:42pm on May 24, 2008, WANDA SIMPSON said…
At 6:58am on May 24, 2008, Brown Eagle said…

The Native Prayer Circle

1 Th 5:11 Therefore encourage one another and build each other up, just as in fact you are doing. Romans 12:8a, Acts 15:32, Heb. 10:25, Heb.3:13.

Native American Circle of Friends

The Native Legend says that at the end of the evening, friends would gather around a bonfire and share their hearts and speak of the good qualitites of each other. They reflected upon times shared, as the embers faded, their friendship was said to be sealed anew, bringing them closer together.

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A tool for the Christian toolbelt for encouragement and edifying others.

When I am asked to speak at groups: be it either churches, schools, scouts, bible studies, retirement communities...I always enjoy closing with the friendship circle.
This usurally works best when groups are divided into 10-20 people in each. I have everyone form a circle, join hands, and explain to them the friendship circle. Sometimes I will light a candle in the middle of our circle to represent Christs presense and He is the center of our friendships, the head of the body of Christ.
I then have each one take their turn and look at the person to their left and say to them: are special and a good friend to me because...I am blessed to have you as my friend mean a lot to me because..." and give their reason[s].
Once we are finished going around the circle...I then ask for someone to please close in prayer and to lift all of these blessings and
praises... because they all belong to Christ and to His glory. When finsished the candle then is blown out. The responses during and after this have been amazing and awesome! The next time you are in a group or even at home around the table for might just suggest or offer this as a closing. Being able to witness
the responses from others receiving kind words has been for me just as much of a blessing as hearing the kind words from ones heart. In Christ, Brown Eagle
At 1:29pm on May 23, 2008, Lady_angel said…

At 11:18pm on May 22, 2008, Guardian said…

Have a Blessed Day
From Guardians Ministry.

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Guardians Tag Ministry

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Guardians Tag Ministry
At 10:14pm on May 22, 2008, Lady_angel said…
At 3:02pm on May 22, 2008, godfirstus said…
At 11:28pm on May 20, 2008, godfirstus said…
At 5:25pm on May 20, 2008, WANDA SIMPSON said…

find and share recovery images at
At 10:55pm on May 19, 2008, Mary M. said…


At 11:04am on May 19, 2008, Lady_angel said…

At 9:33pm on May 18, 2008, godfirstus said…
At 2:15pm on May 18, 2008, Lady_angel said…

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