Guardians Prayer Warriors

Spreading God's Love Thru Prayer

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At 2:17pm on March 31, 2013, Guardian said…

Hello my Friend
Have a Blessed Day
From Guardian

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At 7:58pm on March 30, 2013, Juana Lee said…

Hello my friend, Happy Passover to you, I do not celebrate
easter for it is a pagan festival and against God's word. We all wish to follow God's word and commandments, though so many find it hard to do, but
but to love God is to follow His son, Jesus became our passover. There are many passages in God's word that He is against this festival about an idol goddess eastre and Ishtar which were around long before Jesus Christ. And have nothing to do with the redemption of our Savior Jesus Christ. I wish you all a very good day and may we encourage each other in the truth of God's word.

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At 2:55pm on March 29, 2013, Guardian said…

Hello my Friend
Have a Blessed Day
From Guardian

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At 10:45pm on March 27, 2013, Guardian said…

Hello my Friend
Have a Blessed Day
From Guardian

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At 1:12pm on March 27, 2013, Rev. Dr. Doris j. Dorsey said…
At 2:58pm on March 19, 2013, Guardian said…

Hello my Friend
Have a Blessed Day
From Guardian

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At 9:59pm on March 15, 2013, Guardian said…

Hello my Friend
Have a Blessed Day
From Guardian

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At 5:29pm on March 15, 2013, Juana Lee said…

If we do not understand the beginning
we will have a hard time understanding the end
when our Lord Jesus comes
about the flood that was before noah
which is called the catabole
in spiritual bodies we all were
for the earth became void of life (Gen 1-2)
it is not by accident
that there are fossils being found
from a time we do not understand
it was the first earth age and not the ice age
earth became void of life because of what happened
in the first earth age
where an cherbim (satan) wanted to be God
sitting on the mercy seat instead of guarding it
God destroyed the elements ansd all that lived in that age
and created us in the flesh in the second earth age (Gen 1-6)
where we all had to be born through the bag of water (woman)
God did not start us off in this eon of time
we have been here for millions of years (Proverbs 8-31)
be not deceived that Jesus is coming back first
because as Jesus said I have foretold you all things
He will not return until that son of perdition (satan) comes (2Thess 2-3)
that antichrist pretending to be christ
if you and I do not know the difference between them
we will be deceived at the time of the antichrist
and do his work and lose the eternal life
that was promised by God the Fasther
and Jesus the Son

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At 2:38pm on March 12, 2013, Guardian said…

Hello my Friend
Have a Blessed Day
From Guardian

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At 4:52pm on March 4, 2013, Juana Lee said…

Hello to friends and family in Christ Jesus
God gives us many signs and wonders that this is the end times
many things are happening at this time and we all must understand what
God has to say to us in His word which was made flesh and without sin
Many beleive that there was a ice age,
Lots of things are now being discovered, before man walked this earth in the flesh
Fossils that are millions of years old and we were there to see them alive
but it was the first earth age and we all were with God Proverbs Chpter 8
in our spiritual bodies, we all have two . one flesh and one spiritual
Ep. 1 John talks of the begining with God which is the begining of time
I f we do not understand that we walked with God before the creation
of this earth age , we will not understand the end where God comes here
Where we all will be changed from the flesh man to the spiritual man Amen

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At 7:51pm on February 27, 2013, Guardian said…

Hello my Sister in Christ
So happy to see you
On the Battlefield for the Lord.

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At 5:53pm on February 25, 2013, Guardian said…

Hello my Friend
Have a Blessed Day
From Guardian

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At 3:36pm on February 24, 2013, Juana Lee said…

Blessings for a Wonderful Day and not because it's sunday
God is an everyday God, He deserves our Love and Revence Everyday of our life!!!!!!!!!
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At 9:57pm on February 23, 2013, DOROTHY said…

At 5:50pm on February 20, 2013, Juana Lee said…

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At 2:17pm on February 19, 2013, Guardian said…

Hello my Friend
Have a Blessed Day
From Guardian

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At 5:45pm on February 18, 2013, Juana Lee said…

Hello my freind, have not talked to you in a while, so I am sending u a encouraging message today. Keep your heads up high for our God is high, but looks low upon us all that love Him with all our might , soul and strength. Give Him praise for He is The Great I AM who sent His Son Jesus to save us all !!!!!!!!!!!!!
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At 1:52pm on February 16, 2013, Juana Lee said…

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At 4:26am on February 14, 2013, Prophetess Dr.Teloria Williams said…

At 12:30pm on February 13, 2013, DOROTHY said…

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