Guardians Prayer Warriors

Spreading God's Love Thru Prayer

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At 3:34am on October 27, 2008, Deloresa/Manager said…

At 4:59am on October 25, 2008, Brown Eagle said…

For the leaves to takes the "Son" and the rain.

Col 1:29 To this end I labor, struggling with all "His" energy, which so powerfully works in me.

It's been said...."I have done it again, I've messed up, ruined, failed, or destroyed what I worked so hard to do/accomplish/build/change. " Even Paul struggled with this on sin. Rom 7:15-25 Whisper...The answer is within the sentence... that "I" worked so hard to build. What we do or build weather it be relationships, behaviors, spiritually...with our own hands seems to end up many times going in the wrong directions, ending up in huge knots.

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Our motives, abilities and strengths are not enough. How can it work when the motives in our heart sets out Spiritually , yet we step out to work it naturally? "I" got it...."I" can do this on my own. Sooner or later the "I" is going to run out of energy. Natural power is unable to run without a source. Same is true Spiritually. God is our power source! Without light there is no life, only darkness. Jn 8:12 We cannot continue to press on, without Christ and being fed. We must remain plugged in. This isn't once a week but daily, recharged through Christ and His word. Changes will occur. ***The I cannots will transform into He can.*** We need to learn to rest in Christs strengths, power, and grace. 2Cor9a But He said to me, "My grace is sufficient for you, for My power is made perfect in weakness." 1Co 2:4,5 15:10 Zec 4:6 Hos 1:7

Whisper...I haven't seen any knot yet that the Lord hasn't been able to undo.
In Christ, Brown Eagle

At 11:46am on October 24, 2008, Deloresa/Manager said…

At 9:40am on October 23, 2008, Deloresa/Manager said…

At 10:04am on October 22, 2008, Deloresa/Manager said…

At 10:14am on October 21, 2008, Deloresa/Manager said…

At 10:14am on October 18, 2008, Deloresa/Manager said…

At 11:14pm on October 17, 2008, Amen Joe said…
At 5:46am on October 17, 2008, Deloresa/Manager said…

At 9:39am on October 16, 2008, Deloresa/Manager said…

At 1:17pm on October 15, 2008, Deloresa/Manager said…

At 10:44am on October 14, 2008, Deloresa/Manager said…

At 10:24am on October 13, 2008, Deloresa/Manager said…

At 10:22am on October 11, 2008, Deloresa/Manager said…

At 9:55am on October 10, 2008, Deloresa/Manager said…

At 10:12am on October 9, 2008, Deloresa/Manager said…

At 9:33am on October 8, 2008, Deloresa/Manager said…

At 8:26am on October 7, 2008, Deloresa/Manager said…

At 11:08am on October 6, 2008, Deloresa/Manager said…

At 10:55am on October 4, 2008, Deloresa/Manager said…

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