Guardians Prayer Warriors

Spreading God's Love Thru Prayer

Bouady's Comments

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At 10:51am on September 8, 2008, Ladyk said…
At 7:43am on September 8, 2008, Bouady said…
At 7:31am on September 8, 2008, Chosen By God said…
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THIS WEEK DO EVERYTHING FROM THE HEART AND WATCH YOUR JOY BE FULFILLED!! Whatever you do, whether in word or deed, do it all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through him. Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for men, since you know that you will receive an inheritance from the Lord as a reward. It is the Lord Christ you are serving. 1Colossians 3:17, 23-24 HAVE A BLESSED WEEK
At 7:29am on September 8, 2008, Chosen By God said…
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THIS WEEK DO EVERYTHING FROM THE HEART AND WATCH YOUR JOY BE FULFILLED!! Whatever you do, whether in word or deed, do it all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through him. Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for men, since you know that you will receive an inheritance from the Lord as a reward. It is the Lord Christ you are serving. 1Colossians 3:17, 23-24 HAVE A BLESSED WEEK
At 7:47pm on September 7, 2008, Chosen By God said…
At 12:12pm on September 6, 2008, Deloresa/Manager said…

At 9:08pm on September 5, 2008, Ladyk said…
At 11:14am on September 5, 2008, Rev.Vanchie Pearl Blankenship said…
\o/ Praise God brother nothing is to small to God and nothing is a bother to him you are his child if it concerns you it concerns God,your joy is his joy,your sorrows are his sorrows,he said we would be one with him.If I am one with him then how can anything that effects me not effect him. Praise the Lord ask and he will listen.
At 9:41am on September 5, 2008, Chosen By God said…

We are not to be overcome by evil.

We are to over come evil with good. Romans 12:21. When you make the choice and fight the good fight of faith God takes care of the battle with the opposing forces of evil. 2 Ch 20:15. He is on our side. And He never loses a battle. Romans 8:31. God is a wall of fire around us to secure us. To terrify and destroy our enemies. He is a consuming fire which destroys evil. Zek 2:5; Psalm 125:2; Hebrews 12:29

Those that are for us are more than those that are against us. All heaven is on our side. 2 Kings 6:15. If we are on heavens side we cannot lose. We are not just looking for a safe haven when our life here on earth is over. We are instruments endued with divine power which enable us to do our part in bringing about the completion of God's divine plan. Luke 24:49; 2:14; Romans 8:26. Instruments of faith who give glory to the Messiah. By being strong in the grace which is in Him. We are strong in him and the power of His might. His strength is shown to be perfect even in our weakness. It is not about us, but about Him. He is the victor that cannot be overcome. And we who by faith take Him at His word and act on His grace cannot be overcome in Him. We are winners over the battle of sin, satan and the world, by our faith in Christ who overcame them all. We tread down our enemies in battle by our fight of faith, which releases all the forces of Heaven to come to our rescue. We fight against our enemies inwardly and outwardly by faith in the One who has gone before us and won the victory. If God is for us who can be against us and win. Zec10:5; Romans 8:3.

We are called to contend for the truth of the gospel against all adversaries. Even the gnawings and temptations of our flesh. It is in fleeing from evil and pursuing righteousness, godliness, faith, love, patience and gentleness that we take our place in the economy of heaven. Even while we are here on earth. The one that corrects the things in their live that oppose God, and rules their own spirit will be triumphant over evil. 1 Timothy 6:11-12: James 4:7

The Lord opens the eyes of the blind; raises those who are bowed down; loves the righteous and watches over strangers; he relieves the fatherless and widow; but he turns the way of the wicked upside down. Psalm 146:8-10.

May His grace fill your life, His presence be always close by you and His glory light your way
At 8:48am on September 5, 2008, Bouady said…
Sometimes you want something necessarily to the point of bothering God but sometimes it does not welcome because of what this thing is we can destroy.
We had to hear and understand the direction perfect God on our lives because we need to know that our focus creates our direction and our direction creates our character and our character creates our atitude and our atitude creates our habit and our habit plunges us into the vallet and vallet create our destiny and our destiny creates our victory.
God is with us all.
At 2:32am on September 5, 2008, alice said…
MyHotComments Hello wishing you a wonderful weekend and God Bless
At 1:56am on September 5, 2008, Deloresa/Manager said…

At 12:55am on September 5, 2008, alice said…
At 8:09am on September 4, 2008, Rev.Vanchie Pearl Blankenship said…
God Bless you dear brother,many of my people are ignorant of the powers of hell that others have had to suffer,they are so blessed of God,they have never had to face a demon like the ones you have had to face.I pray that God will use you in a mighty way,for you have been to the enemies camp and seen the evils of his ways and you know the cruelity of his will.You know how that ignorance can make a person do things that are wrong and not realize they are wrong,just like your family they did not know the truth of Gods Holy word and that the supersitions of worshiping water or anything but God was wrong.But Praise the Living God forever who has shown the love of his word upon you that you might lead your people to the light of the truth and set them free from the lies of the devil.Praise God through you dear brother many of your people can be free.
At 4:45am on September 4, 2008, Bouady said…
small story of my life

I spent a very difficult childhood and I thought that this difficulty going to end as I will be married or when I have a stable work but I have not seen worse, to say that when we grew up facing GOD a reality and not looking at the situation in which we are facing but the reaction in the situation.

My mother took me with difficulty to the point where there was no hope to believe that this child she wanted both could live.
In Africa the black tradition is sometimes the result of several curse that affects many children per family is raging meet their own chair or look the other grow much to engage in traditional ritual magic by invoking spirits whose impure sometimes it was "a protector god."
Many of us were injured by the ancestral curse dating back to decades.
This was my case or my mother after her marriage with my father had three beautiful daughters while she hoped a girl a boy like all other women of her generation.
Désespérément she submitted to the situation before my father but my father had an uncle who was also married to a woman who had a plantation to loan 5 kilometers from my hometown and in this plantation was a small water circulating very small but who had a totem that whenever a woman is in a state of menstruation she could not crossed this water lest it die because the water did not accept the impurity horrible thing by a simple water does.
Whenever his wife being in this situation making it if it did not take seriously, then this woman went to see a féticheur "because Africa is very common" it tells him he has a Major accident in which this city had ever experienced as a result of the negligence of her husband will die in this accident, something known and done it and it lost her husband.
My father who was the heir was obliged to worship the water because it was a requirement risking his life, so that my mother looking for a son made the promise, some time after I was born, but not by the will of the spirit of God but because no demon can not give birth to a man only God knows the mechanism of fertility.

After my birth promise was not fulfilled then this is the beginning of a life of slavery torture I have suffered horrible thing because my mouth was twisted, my head tangent on one side I could not neither eat nor drink because I was disfigured as a rabid animal is the image that the unclean spirits when we leave agrees with them because there is no breach of agreement and they tortured te, te threaten, défigures and you kill because their goal is to kill you but why your birth because a small plane star on the horizon and they distinguished the circumstances time period and see who you are or really which you become either a threat to their system etc…

I hedge because I am no friend or make a gift to a spirit.
Then GOD one day after several interventions churigicales me to save me from this nightmare healing, today I shall fight to destroy everywhere I go or the work of the devil because the Bible says: the devil has come for kill and destroy, in his man is the image of a sheep need to destroy any requests is the struggle is to win the maximum in his camp to hell and uses all means but we have this victory, not the victory also the promise of salvation.
Today I'm looking for what is pleasing to God in running towards a goal, because life does not make a gift then we should not do as a gift to life in submitting to God because according apocalypse 19: 8 " He gave it to dress a fine linen, bright pure, indeed, the fine linen, these are just works of saints "which is a good work on a sacrifice pleasant aroma which GOD take pleasure, a life sanctified, purified soul and a spirit ready to combat not only the works of the pulpit but also the unclean spirit who have a goal to destroy as much as possible.
We win because the wife is found clean and presentable on the day of salvation for access to the wedding of the lamb that is life Eterenlle.

God bless you
At 4:17am on September 4, 2008, alice said…
At 3:15am on September 4, 2008, alice said…
At 12:00pm on September 3, 2008, Ladyk said…
At 4:35pm on September 1, 2008, Guardian said…

Have a Blessed Labor day
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At 2:06pm on September 1, 2008, Lady_angel said…

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