Guardians Prayer Warriors

Spreading God's Love Thru Prayer

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At 9:31pm on August 27, 2008, EGYPTROSE said…
At 9:20pm on August 27, 2008, PROPHETESS BARBARA MATTHEWS said…

At 9:18pm on August 27, 2008, Loved By the Best said…
God's Blessings
At 8:52pm on August 27, 2008, Apostle Cherry Woods said…
At 7:16pm on August 27, 2008, Apostle Cherry Woods said…
Please keep myself and my neighbors in prayer. We have been told that Hurricane Gustav may be headed to the Mississippi Gulf Coast.
God bless you
At 6:32pm on August 27, 2008, Ptra. C.T said…
Graphics - at

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Weather forecast for today:
there will be showers of blessings all over you in the morning, a heavy downpour of love all around you by mid-afternoon and occasional flashes of laughter and joy by early evening with continous sweet dreams by midnight.
At 6:13pm on August 27, 2008, Missionary Rachelle~TruePraise said…

At 4:26pm on August 27, 2008, Minister Carolyn Melvin said…
At 12:19pm on August 27, 2008, Bouady said…
"But if someone owns property in the world, sees his brother in need and it closes its entrails, how God's love is still there in him? Little kids, do not in words or language, but with action and truth "(1 John 3. 17, 18). In these two verses, Jean continues the theme of love that he filed shortly before (3. 10) and it develops in the remainder (4. 1-12). The previous verse (v. 16) gives the example of the Lord Jesus. "Giving his life for his brothers" (v. 16) has the sense to see the interests of others rather than its own. It is clear that, in the literal sense, we rarely have an opportunity to give our life, death, for another… That is why Jean then spoke about the practical expression of love by those goods and who are assisting those who do not. Giving his life in this sense means "give its property."

The two verses that we will study tell us about the practical application of love and its logical conclusion: true love (v. 17) is to assist the needy (v. 18). That is proof of love according to God. Consider several expressions of these verses for detail.

• "But": John shows a typical example that should not be driving a true believer who are not in need, deprives those who are genuinely in need. The word translated as "but" marks the striking contrast between two attitudes:
-- On the one hand, dedication pushed to the extreme (v. 16);
-- On the other hand, a drought of heart unworthy of a man in the world!

• "Someone": the indefinite pronoun, attached to the use of the subjunctive, suggests a situation that could possibly happen.

• "The property of the World" 1 designate the external aspects of life, like food, clothing, money, which help to sustain life. It all means of life, but it does not necessarily great possessions (cf. Marc 12. 44).

• "need": the verb utilisé2 suggests more than just a glance! Jean does not seem to allude to look indifferent, which does nothing in the minds of those who observe. He speaks here of a light-sighted, to understand what is the situation on the other. It is also a feature of Jesus Christ, our Master: the needs of men exercising on him an irresistible attraction. It should be noted that there was no question of brothers in general, but "a brother in particular who is in need".

The needs may be material and tangible, just as moral and spiritual: the poor is the one who has no home or money, but also one who is alone, that lack of affection, and so on.

• "It does not show the mercy toward him" (literally: "it closes its entrails). The Greek word was delivered by "entrails" 3 referred to the Greeks the seat of emotions, and the seat of mercy for the Jews (cf. Gen 43. 30). Here, as often elsewhere in the NT, this word expresses compassion, and it suggests a profound emotional interest or a warm sympathy, mercy active. Jean alluded to that which he found too expensive to help his brother and decides to "close its entrails" 4.

The question posed by Jean generates the response: Such a person does not have the love of God in him. It should be noted here ambiguity, perhaps intentionally, the author. Indeed, the expression "love of God" 5 can be understood in several ways:

, First, the love that comes from God. It is a real experience of love that comes from God, love must manifest itself in turn to that expressed by others.
, Then there is love for God. A genuine love for the Lord must also be expressed in a tangible love for the children of God.
, Finally, the third meaning can be: love like God.

Based on the comparison made with Christ (cf. v. 16), there could be no question of a love like God. In 1 John 4. 20, passage parallel to it, where the principle is still expressed more explicitly, John speaks clearly of the love of God for believers, which fits well with the second option, which also j'opterais. By the way, these various meanings are complementary rather than mutually exclusive. In all cases, anyone who does not love his brother in a practical way knows nothing of God's love. Indeed, the faithful in whom God's love remains, loves his neighbor because it is a fire that warms be whole and consume what might oppose…

It comes to v. 18. Finally, with yet another expression of his love and relationship with its readers, which he calls "teknia" ( "little children"), Jean invites them to express their love in a concrete way: "Little kids, n ' love not by oles or language "6. It is an act, and not just expressions of sympathy, as stated Jacques: "If an e frèr or sister are n us and lack of nour riture daily, and one of them you entr e say: Go in peace, heating fez and rassasiez you! and v ou do not give them what is necessary in the body, what is it? "(Jac 2. 15,16) Also the truth (at the end of verse) wants it that love remains not superficial, not just a simple appearance, but it is a real love, a love which responds to the love of God in Christ. The real test of love is not the word profession we can do: "no language" shows that this exhortation is necessary.

Thus, the main idea of verse 17 is the action. It therefore condemns the one who closes its entrails to his brother in need, and it approves against the attitude of those who act, like the Good Samaritan who saw the injured passenger, was moved by compassion (Luke 10. 33) .

More broadly, in this chapter, the apostle supported his argument by a series of contrasts:
• Devil - hatred - kills - manifest eternal death - shown in the case of Cain.
• God - love - sacrifices himself - manifest eternal life - shows the example of Christ.

He opposes the truth and falsehood, ie the reality and appearance.

We have to talk about proof of true love. The Apostle John tells us the nature of those who can express such love: a true child of God, ie one in whom God's love remains. Two questions needed:
-- Who express that love? Certainly a priority to the needy, ie that which is truly in need.
-- How the show? In practice, not in theory.

Are we really God's children, worthy of the name? Are we really show that love mentioned John in the passage above? How many times have we demonstrated against the brothers in difficulty? And secondly, do we really "need" to deserve such a brotherly love and practice?
At 11:43am on August 27, 2008, Ann Barnett said…

Your Friend in Christ, Photobucket
At 11:24am on August 27, 2008, Bishop.JACOB.C.CHACKO said…
At 11:22am on August 27, 2008, Intercessor S. Grayson said…

At 11:21am on August 27, 2008, Intercessor S. Grayson said…
At 9:55am on August 27, 2008, Deloresa/Manager said…

At 9:21am on August 27, 2008, cherry said…
At 7:21am on August 27, 2008, Chosen By God said…
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Guardians Tag Ministry

“Strength to Move Forward”

“For these are the days that will require great courage,” saith the Lord, “great courage and strength to move beyond where you are. For I’ve already prepared the path and I’ve already prepared the steps, but only you can decide to move and walk in the way, in this particular groove.”

“For I’ll not leave you alone. On the contrary, I will be there with you to move you to that place. It is a place that I have ordained for thee. That place will also be a place that will set you free. But I cannot move you, for you are a moral agent and you have to come to Me. But in doing so, understand that you don’t have to be afraid or hindered by any man.”

“For I have prepared that place for thee. Come. Move. Walk towards Me and see. And you will walk in a freedom and a liberty that you didn’t think could be. But it is there,” saith the Lord. “It is there and I’m hungry to make you free. So, allow Me to show you these things that are of Me—these things that I grant to thee.”

“For they are real. They are alive and they are prepared, waiting for you. And I’ll be on your side. So don’t be afraid or wonder, How can this be? Just move with Me and then you’ll see. For I desire for My Shekinah glory to escort thee. Yes, and escort you to this place—this place that I’ve called unto thee. It is a secret place in My presence. It is a secret place with Me. So, come on up. That’s what’ll happen when you walk. You’ll find yourself on an elevator moving from one level to the other as you ought.”

“So now prepare yourself, for these days are clear. I will be with you. Your success is near. So let’s move. Come on, let’s go together. Don’t be afraid. For what I have prepared, I’ve prepared it for thee for many days. So be unstuck from the place that you reside in and come on over. And allow Me to lead you there, for I am your God. Be ready. These are your days. So rejoice and be exceedingly glad, for I will do what I have said. And you will not be sad,” saith the Lord. “Rejoice. It shall surely come to pass.”
At 4:57am on August 27, 2008, alice said…
At 11:38pm on August 26, 2008, Ladyk said…

When in sorrow, call------------------John 14
When men fail you, call---------------Psalm 27
When you want to be fruitful, call------John 15
When you have sinned, call----------- Psalm 51
When you worry, call-----------------Mathew 6:19-34
When you are in danger, call----------Psalm 91
When God seems far away, call--------Psalm 139
When your faith needs stirring, call----Hebrews 11
When you are lonely and fearful, call---Psalm 23
When you grow bitter and critical, call--1 Corinthians 13
For the secret to happiness, call-------Colossians 3: 12-17
For and idea of Christianity, call--------2 Corinthians 5:15-19
When you feel down and out, call-------Romans 8:31-39
When you want peace and rest, call-----Mathew 11:25-30
When the world seems bigger than God, call----Psalm90
When you want Christian assurance, call-----Romans 8:1-30
When you leave home for labor/travel, call-----Psalm 67
For a great invention/opportunity, call-----Isiah 55
When you want courage for a task, call----Joshua 1
How to get along with fellowmen, call----Romans 12
When you think of investments/returns, call---Mark10
When you are depressed, call------------Psalm 27
When people seem unkind, call----------John 15
When your purse or wallet is empty, call---Psalm 37
When you are discouraged about your work, call-----Psalm 126
When you are losing confidence in people, call-------1Corinthians 13
When you find the world growing small and yourself great, call -------------Psalm 19

Emergency numbers may be dialed direct.
No operator assistance necessary.
All lines are open to heaven 24 hours a day!

Mathew 7:7 Askm and it shall be give you; seek and ye shall find; knock, and it shall be opened unto you.

May God continue to bestow His riches and blessings upon you.

At 10:18pm on August 26, 2008, Donald Rich said…
At 7:26pm on August 26, 2008, Lady_angel said…

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