Guardians Prayer Warriors

Spreading God's Love Thru Prayer

As we pray – Father give us “A heart that Forgives”

For the people shall dwell in Zion at Jerusalem: you shall weep no more: he will be very gracious unto you at the voice of your cry; when he shall hear it, he will answer you. – Isaiah 30:19

“Be not ashamed of your tears; it is the redeeming rain”-sdukes

“The burden will be lifted by this anointed and powerful song of love to Jesus. Speak to God and let Him speak to you”.
Prophetess Dukes

“As we pray –my heart bears the pain of my love ones, friends and my sisters and my brothers. I asked my heavenly Father to give me the words to console, soothe, to comfort and to heal. I was led to this song and as I listened the melody went to the corners and hidden crevices of my own heart… and so my tears for others became my tears for me. We sometimes get so use to pain oblivious to the dull , throbbing hurt of the past we become numb ; we trudge on, work on , walk on ,preach on , teach on, live on in Christ Jesus ; led by faith knowing God heals all things in due season”.

“For those who might be hurting – Trust Christ – Wail and Weep – the Father will provide what is lacking; restore what is missing and mend what is broken”.

Isaiah 61
The Lord's Servant Accomplishes His Work
1 The Spirit of the Lord and King is on me.
The Lord has anointed me
to tell the good news to poor people.
He has sent me to comfort
those whose hearts have been broken.
He has sent me to announce freedom
for those who have been captured.
He wants me to set prisoners free
from their dark prisons.

“Remember when you give out your thoughts and prayers; hearts, tears and love for others God will release a mercy and grace unto you”.

Your Sister in Christ Jesus

Kevin LeVar "A Heart That Forgives"

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