Guardians Prayer Warriors

Spreading God's Love Thru Prayer

Eunice's Comments

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At 4:28pm on March 24, 2025, Guardian said…

Have a Blessed Day
My friend
By Safe

Nat3ddesign Graphics

Nat3ddesign Graphics
Guardians Tag Ministry

Nat3ddesign Graphics
At 11:05pm on July 24, 2020, Guardian said…
At 11:16pm on May 21, 2020, Guardian said…
At 3:35pm on December 13, 2019, Guardian said…
At 9:19pm on June 20, 2019, Guardian said…
At 9:18pm on June 12, 2018, Guardian said…
At 9:10pm on May 1, 2018, Guardian said…
At 4:44pm on December 13, 2011, Guardian said…

Hello my Friend
Have a Blessed Day
From Guardian

Nat3ddesign Graphics
Guardians Tag Ministry

Nat3ddesign Graphics
Guardians Tag Ministry

Nat3ddesign Graphics
Guardians Tag Ministry

At 2:29pm on August 1, 2010, Bro.RAJESWAR(INDIA) said…
JESUS, rescuer of the abandoned!
JESUS, hope of those in despair!
JESUS, guiding star to the lost!
JESUS, joyful return of the exile!
JESUS, unforeseen victory!
JESUS, eternal triumph!
JESUS, radiant dawn after endless night!
JESUS, everlasting light of the Kingdom!
JESUS, wipe away my tears!
JESUS, calm the panic of my heart!
JESUS, exultation of those hemmed in by fear!
JESUS, joy of those crushed by sorrow!
JESUS, light to those in darkness, glory to You!

JESUS, provider of our daily bread!
JESUS, helper of the helpless!
JESUS, giver of all good gifts!
JESUS, grant peace to a heart in turmoil!
JESUS, calmer of storms!
JESUS, haven of the voyager!
JESUS, life-changing power!
At 5:05am on June 14, 2010, Bro.RAJESWAR(INDIA) gave Eunice a gift
At 5:05am on June 14, 2010, Bro.RAJESWAR(INDIA) said…
JESUS, rescuer of the abandoned!
JESUS, hope of those in despair!
JESUS, guiding star to the lost!
JESUS, joyful return of the exile!
JESUS, unforeseen victory!
JESUS, eternal triumph!
JESUS, radiant dawn after endless night!
JESUS, everlasting light of the Kingdom!
JESUS, wipe away my tears!
JESUS, calm the panic of my heart!
JESUS, exultation of those hemmed in by fear!
JESUS, joy of those crushed by sorrow!
JESUS, light to those in darkness, glory to You!

JESUS, provider of our daily bread!
JESUS, helper of the helpless!
JESUS, giver of all good gifts!
JESUS, grant peace to a heart in turmoil!
JESUS, calmer of storms!
JESUS, haven of the voyager!
JESUS, life-changing power!
JESUS, promise of final triumph!
JESUS, giver of invincible peace!
JESUS, light to those in darkness, glory to You!
At 11:06pm on November 24, 2009, Guardian said…

Hello you my friend
Have a Blessed Thanksgiving
From Guardian

Nat3ddesign Graphics
Guardians Prayer Warriors

Nat3ddesign Graphics
Guardians Tag Ministry

Nat3ddesign Graphics
Guardians Tag Ministry

At 10:38am on July 22, 2009, Guardian said…

Hello my friend
Have a Blessed Day
From Guardians Ministry

Nat3ddesign Graphics
Guardians Prayer Warriors

Nat3ddesign Graphics
Guardians Tag Ministry

Nat3ddesign Graphics
Guardians Tag Ministry

At 2:35pm on April 30, 2009, Guardian said…

Hello my friend
Have a Blessed Day
From Guardians Ministry

Nat3ddesign Graphics
Guardians Tag Ministry

Nat3ddesign Graphics
Guardians Tag Ministry
At 9:24pm on March 18, 2009, Rivers Of Living Waters said…

At 2:11pm on December 19, 2008, Irma Williams said… - The place for profile layouts, flash generators, glitter graphics, backgrounds and codes
At 7:11am on October 3, 2008, CLASSY LDY-TAG DESIGNER said…
Photobucket Photobucket Photobucket Photobucket
At 3:37pm on September 11, 2008, Guardian said…

September 11
From Guardians Ministry

Nat3ddesign Graphics
Guardians Tag Ministry

Nat3ddesign Graphics
Guardians Tag Ministry
At 5:54am on August 29, 2008, BrainySkeeta said…
At 6:56am on July 25, 2008, BrainySkeeta said…

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Cash App

So a Seed
If you would like
to help and Bless
this Ministry.
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We have
Cash App

Cash App is safe and Secure you can find it at the ( App Store ) on your phone or your Tablet it's free

Or (Send a Message) to me Guardian i will send you my Address be Blessed.

Guardians Ministry

Hello my friend all Guardians Tag's are FREE to use On your page or add Comment to your friends Page Guardians Ministry is a ministry that the lord has laid upon my heart to use so that we can reach out to all people.Come and check out Guardians Ministry Click the picture.

Guardians Tag Ministry Guardians Prayer Warriors if you would like to go to our Facebook page please click the buttons. If you would like to open up a Guardians Prayer Warriors group on a different site please contact Guardians Ministry so that we may put the name of your site on the page and you can use Guardians Prayer Warrior tags.

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Nat3ddesign Graphics

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