Spreading God's Love Thru Prayer
Al-Qur'an: Sura Al-Imran, verse-59.
In the name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful.
Lo! The likeness of Jesus with Allah (God) is as the likeness of Adam; He created him of dust, then He said unto him: Be! And he is.
786: Matthew-21.
18. Now in the morning, as He returned to the city, He was hungry, 19. And seeing a fig tree by the road, He came to it and found nothing on it but leaves, and said to it, “Let no fruit grow on you ever again,” Immediately the fig tree withered away. 20. And when the disciples saw it, they marveled saying, “How did the fig tree wither away so soon?” 21. So Jesus answered and said to them. “Assuredly, I say to you, if you have faith and do not doubt, you will not only do what was done to the fig tree, but also if you say to this mountain , Be removed and be cast into the sea,’ It will be done. 22. “And whoever things you ask in prayer, believing, you will receive.
"Now learn this parable from the fig tree. Are you seeing all these things? So know that he (Jesus) is very neart or at the doors!
In the name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful.
"Now learn this parable from the fig tree. Are you seeing all these things? So know that he (Son of Man) is very neart or at the doors! "I am the evil servant knowing in my heart or saying by the verses: Yours master is not delaying his coming, and know that it is very near at the doors!
"Then many false prophets will rise up and deceive many. "And because lawlessness has abound, the love of many has grow cold. "But he/she who endures to the end shall be saved. "And this gospel of the kingdom has been preached in all the world as a witness to all the nations, and the end is running.
By the Matthew-24, verses: 11-14
Lets stand the servant with all good ! ! ! ! ! Lets practice the verses of Matthew 24 ! Lets bring the verse-14 or the light approaches. Learn from the fig tree then there will be nothing to be afraid. Lets work 46-47. "I am the evil servant knowing in my heart or saying by the verses: My master is not delaying his coming, and know that it is very near at the doors! Please call him, please call him and he is very near or at the doors! Who is reading let them understand, only intellectual people will be understood.
Thank you very much.
Love and blessing for all.
Where all good is everything right
With the Sun & the Moon is abundant,
Its lights approaches: From the sky it advances
To very Mohmeds fortune, In the same state
As the seventh rock.
Michael Notradamus+M.S.M.
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God is like an evergreen tree(Hosea 14-8

That lives forever
We are His pleasure and delight
We were created in the celestial(spiritual body)
We were created in the terrestrial (flesh body)
We have two bodies (1 Corinthians-15-40
We will all return to our spiritual bodies
Jesus is not dead , neither is our loved ones
Whom we will see again in paradise
This is kind of a sad day for me because I am losing mom
little by little, but I take the comfort that Jesus gives in knowing
these flesh bodies must die before we can see God in paradise.
So I send a little enjoyment into others lives to know we are not alone
and will live forever with God who supplies our every need.
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