Guardians Prayer Warriors

Spreading God's Love Thru Prayer

This Prayer Request is from Sister mspoohvj .
this is the message.

hello i need some one to pray for me that god bless me with a home for me i my grandchild so i will like to no if you and your pray warriors will pray that god will open a door up for me i am so stress out i realy need help from the lord.

thank you so much

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Replies to This Discussion

God is a provider keep on trusting and believe God to do things you are in need of. God Father of all good and perfect gifts accept my prayer on behalf of my sister who is in need of a house. Lord you promise never to forsake us and you believe in the impossibilities. Thank you for what you have done and what you are going to do. Amen.
Touching and agreeing, that you may prosper remembering that Our Father said he would fill all our needs according to the riches of his glory. How great is our Elohiym (God)!!!! We thank you EL Shaddai for your tender mercies, by the grace granted us by Adonai Jesus. Its in his holy and divine name, we declare these things to be so. Halleluyah and A men.
yes i wil pray for you sister.

please remember that THE WORD says, be careful(anxious) for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known unto GOD.and the peace of GOD which passeth ALL understanding, shall keep your heart and mind through CHRIST JESUS.
your circumstances are NOT too hard for GOD. when it seems like all hell is breaking aloose against you, know that all HEAVEN is breaking aloose for you.

His promises are yea and amen,
sandra landry
Aprayer for you my sister.


When times seem bad
And clouds are gray
A window in heaven will open
And there will be a way.

God has this perfect plan
For us all defined
We just need to tune into God's will
And all will be fine.

Sometimes in the course
Of our busy day
We offer our problems to God and say
'Your will be done' we pray.

After we give it all to God
Our faith begins to fade.

Lord Jesus, I think I have a better solution
And another request is made.

Remember, just give it to the Lord
And leave it there
God in all His miracles,
Will always be fair.

When He works out your problems
And delivers you from despair,
It's not just a one time shot
He will always keep You in His Care


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