Guardians Prayer Warriors

Spreading God's Love Thru Prayer

Please Pray for Josh Lesniewski, serious brain and spinal injuries following a fall from tall ladder

Miracles For Josh 


Please pray for Josh. A young husband and father who took a devestating fall from a very high ladder landing on the pavement below. He suffered very serious brain and spinal injuries. He just transferred to TIRR in Houston for rehab from his home in Shreveport, La. He has a  little baby girl , their first child and young wife. Please pray for his recovery, complete healing and restoration as well as provision for his family during this lengthy and costly time of rehabilitation. You can see more of his story on facebook at Miracles for Josh. Miracles for Josh



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P.S. Please add Josh and his family to your prayer list at church, thanks!
Father God, I lay Josh at Your thrown of grace.  Lord, "by Your stripes he is already healed."  We take these words and lay them at Your feet as well as hang them around Josh s' neck as a necklace forever more.  We come against EVERY negative word spoken as too Josh s healing!  Every negative word from Doctors, nurses, minsters, family or friends in Jesus name!  Josh you ARE healed.  We do not go by site we go by faith Lord and what Your word says' .  Take up your bed Josh and walk in Jesus name! AND by this word we declare it so, Amen.

Thank you so much for your beautiful prayer for Josh!




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