Guardians Prayer Warriors

Spreading God's Love Thru Prayer

The fact that in the word it states that greator works we would do was at one time odd to me. A prophetic statement I might add. I think about how Jesus reached the nations with what tools he had. His mouth in open space as well as close confinement. None the less he had what he had and used wisely to reach as many as possible. Then those who had ears to hear him used the only tool they had as well to deliver the message of Jesus. So from town to town, house to house and person to person the message began to spread. My God what patience God has. I mean after all when I think about these tools all I see is:
1. will
2. desire
3. heart
4. mouth
5. feet
6. horse
7. dunky or jackass
8. writings
Yet with these simple tools the work goes forth. Then in the mist of such humble beginnings, the words of Jesus "and greater works you will do" carries out the life of the future. Tools For The Trade. so now I see something greater. I see :
1. cars
2. trains
3. airplains
4. television
5. telephones
6. syberspace church
7. internet
Wow. I really am amazed. But there are something that time cannot do without no matter what changes come and go. That is it takes heart, will, desire and still the opening of our mouth. Thank God for that. No matter what tools for the trade may develop, it still requires a willing vessal. So I say all this because I thank God for give me tool for the trade. The ability to reach the massess through the internet has proven to be a successful tool for me. So I will and desire to be wise with that which God has intrusted to me through those whom he has chosen to get it started. So I guess this is where I say again thank you and God bless the head of this great website and the same to all who participate in.

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Whisper....this is beautiful! Tools for the Christian tool-belt! Willing I am Lord, use me Lord. Thank you so much for sharing this!


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