Guardians Prayer Warriors

Spreading God's Love Thru Prayer

An update on Jaylan keep him in your prayers.

Hello Prayer Warriors
Here's an N w update on our little angel Jaylan keep him in your prayers.
this update is from Jaylan's aunt.
For update and Pictures Go to.

For all new members and Friends who would like to know about our angel Jaylan you can read the prayer request that was sent on 10/02/07.

Prayer request 10000 Prayers for Jaylen
Confess your faults one to another, and pray one for another, that ye may be healed. The effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man availed much. James 5:16

On Tuesday 10/02/07, my family and I began a journey, trying to reach out to 10,000 of God's most faithful believers! My 9 month old nephew Jaylen was diagnosed with brain cancer on Monday 10/01/07 at Children's Hospital in New Orleans. Jaylen was transferred to the St. Jude Children's Research Hospital in Memphis Tennessee at 3:30 am Tuesday morning. We opened a web site at We are calling out to Gods Prayer Warriors to cry out to God on Jaylen's behalf. Already as of this Wednesday morning Jaylen had 100 plus prayer's sending up prayers for him, the prayers are being heard! This evening my niece called and said that the doctors while still running tests, no longer believe that there is cancer on Jaylen's brain!!! Thank You Lord! The cancer however is in the left eye of Jaylen and that eye will either have to be removed or the cancer will have to be treated with Chemo Therapy. The chances of removal of the cancer are 50/50 both ways but there are other concerns with the Chemo. The doctors are still testing Jaylen as they want to be sure of what the options are. The doctors are also concerned about Jaylen's right eye. My family and I believe that God has already started the healing process. What the doctors don't know is that we are a family that believe in the power of prayer and that if we trust and believe in God then our prayers will be heard. The doctors believed for 2 days that the cancer was on Jaylen's brain and that it was so big they couldn't even operate, but God hadn't yet confirmed. We know that until God says it, The Devil is a liar. We are asking that everyone who's willing would lift up their hands to the heavens and cry out to God in prayer on Jaylen's behalf. Please start you prayers for his healing; we know without a doubt God Still Heals! Please stop by Jaylen's myspace page and post your prayer wishes for him so he can SEE the love when he returns home healed. If anyone would like to send cards or letters, please do so.

The address is:
14256 Fred Clark Rd.
Hammond La.70403

May God Forever Bless You, Many Thanks!
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It is already done said the LORD!
O" Father thank you for granting this will to come through for Jaylan,the the heaart desires of the mama, shall lift Him up to you, and grant them the desires of their heart, I stand with this family Lord ,and I pled the Blood of Jesus over Him. Thank you for meeting this need Jesus, and making away in Faith by your Word I speak Life into His spirit, Life into his soul, and sent him Love . Forever by the Blood of Jesus Christ. Thank you Lord thank you,


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