Guardians Prayer Warriors

Spreading God's Love Thru Prayer

     What does it mean to command your morning? 

Command your day with scripture. It allows you to walk in greater authority over your day. It helps set the tone for the day and activates God's Word in your life. If we desire God's light to shine upon our ways, we must first be in right standing with Him, then we can command our morning by declaring. The words that come out of our mouths and off our tongues bear fruit.

Begin with a grateful heart, then ask forgiveness of any sin commission/omission

Make confessions of "Who you are in Christ."

The word "Command" Hebrew definition means to give an authoritative order

tsavah-mentioned 494 times in Old Testament

     *constitute       *appoint         *enjoin      

     *give a charge     * set in order

As a believer you have authority to speak speak spiritual and biblical order in your life. Jesus spoke to the leper "be cleansed", Jesus spoke to the sea, "peace be still". In John14:12, Jesus speaks that believers will do far greater works. Job22-28 says "You will also declare a thing and it will be established for you, so light will shine on your ways.

Confession Scriptures for Commanding

     Malachi 2:15               (God desires Godly offspring)

     James  2:23                ( A friend of God)

    Proverbs 22:1-2         (A good name is to be chosen)

Commanding Power Scriptures 

Isaiah 52:12  God goes before us and is our rearguard

Amos 3:3  We walk in agreement as a family

Ps. 68:10  We are loaded with daily benefits

Deuteronomy 28:12  God blesses work of our hands

Proverbs 3:4  Favor of God and Man

Walk powerfully and with authority as men and women of God. Pray specific prayers, as the examples above, but actually powerfully declare God's guidance over everyday of your

your existence. Praise Him in all things. May God Bless and keep You

Excerpts from: Arabah Joy

Transcribed by: Prophetess Teloria Williams

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