Guardians Prayer Warriors

Spreading God's Love Thru Prayer

I WOULD LIKE TO SHARE A DREAM I HAD A COUPLE OF DAYS AGO-IN THE DREAM, MY HUSBAND AND I OWNED AN APARTMENT WITH AN OFFICE SPACE OUT FRONT-WE WERE CURRENTLY RENTING THE SPACE TO A YOUNG MAN WITH 2 CHILDREN, WHO IN THE DREAM SAID HE WAS AN EMPLOYEE OF OUR SOD BUISNESS(WE DONT OWN EITHER)A LADY CAME AND OFFERED US $50,000 A MONTH TO RENT THE SPACE-THE TENANT BEING IN THE OTHER ROOM HEARD THIS, AND WAS VERY UPSET SAYING HE WAS HELPING WITH OUR BUISNESS-MY HUSBAND SAID YES, BUT YOU ONLY WORK 2 TO THREE DAYS A WEEK THEN YOU CALL IN-I WAS PONDERING THE MEANING OF THE DREAM, THEN GOD SAID "Don't Compromise"! You see, in the dream, we had already made a deal to rent the office to him, but when more money came along, an outrageous amount to boot, we were considering kicking the young man out! In this hour and time, our money is looking funny, and our change is looking strange, but God said Don't Compromise!!!! You see we made a promise to the Lord to trust Him, lean on Him, depend on Him, satan will bring all kinds of devices to get you to compromise on God's promises to Him-remember satan tempted Jesus -so we have to have our full armour on to fend off the schemes of the enemy in the last hour-man cannot live on bread alone-stand on the word and promises of the Lord!!!! Don't compromise and go out and play that lottery number, go the the dog track, anything that is ungodly, and puts your trust in anything but the Lord!!!!! Dont Compromise, and you were living the life God has called you to live, then at the last hour, you compromise-'What profit a man to gain the lose world and lose his soul? DON'T COMPROMISE!!!!

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