Spreading God's Love Thru Prayer
Thank you my friends for your blessings and i just wanted share that for this Holiday Season the Lord wants us to work on the broken family if their is any in our lives are friends we have to go on for Him and not let the devil hinder us as family. So many family's have division and the Lords wants to stop the division, the sins of the father and the anger we have had,when i begin my walk for the Lord and looking to become a Pastor the Lord shared with me what was holding me back their was UN-forgiveness in my heart toward my mother for the life i felt she dealt me but God showed me that He was the one that was in control and i needed to forgive my mother before i could feed His sheep. It was a process but the Lord seen me threw and bless me to have a life to better serve Him i never got to site with my mother and discuss how i felt but the Lord let me know that i was forgiven. Please my friends check our selves in 1 Corinthians Chapter 11 v-s 27 down will tell a man to examine himself and when i looked at myself i seen that i did have an anger that i didn't know was their. The Lord showed me that in order to get to Heaven their are thing's such as the sins of the generations of my family that have been placed and set in my heart and i had to renew my mind and let it go and be a follower of the Lord.I love you my friends and i just wanted to share this with you i lost my brother and my sister in one month this year and i was thankful that i was able to make certain that their where no ill feeling between us and i praise God for that so bless your family this year and work on all things don't just hold on to the past because God did have a hand in it if it wasn't for the way my mother was with me i would probably be in prison or dead so i thank her even for the bad times God bless you.
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