Guardians Prayer Warriors

Spreading God's Love Thru Prayer

One reason we struggle with time alone with God is our apprehension over facing ourselves.

The confrontation with our inner life may simply be too painful to face. Thus, we shield ourselves from solitude by an endless array of T.V., people, phone calls, books and scheduled time pressures.

As a result, our lives have become absurd, (which in Latin means "deaf "), incapable of hearing the voice of God. Knowing God requires the spiritual discipline to shut out the world for regular times of solace in order to listen to His voice.

When we do learn to listen, we become obedient, (which in Latin means "listening"). Thus, when we begin to discipline our lives, we start to move from a life of absurdity – spiritual deafness — to a life of listening — a life of obedience.

"It will cost something to walk slow in the parade of the ages while excited men of time rush about confusing motion with progress. But it will pay in the long run and the true Christian is not much interested in anything short of that." A. W. Tozer

We cannot know God without disciplining ourselves to make room for inner solitude. This was Jesus' pattern with His Father, and it must also become ours. At the heart of prayer is obediently listening to God through His Word and the inner prompting of the Spirit.

We need to begin by setting a daily time and place for God; writing it in our calendar as a daily appointment. Preferably in the morning. (Let's face it: By evening, most of us are brain dead!) Start with 5 or 10 minutes. Choose a small portion of Scripture, say 3 – 5 verses. Read slowly, pondering, and jotting down observations; co-mingling meditation and prayer as we talk over our insights with God.

Over the days, weeks, and months, the appetite for this quiet connection with God will grow to the point where we do not want to live without it. No longer will we feel we are wasting our time. When this happens, the inner chaos, noise, anger and frustration will begin to give way to inner peace and tranquillity.

This is the beginning of knowing the Living God.

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All blessings to the Adonai Jesus, good teaching, direct and to the point. May this word encourage and direct people to a greater relationship with Almighty Father.
Stay Blessed my friend!
I really enjoy reading this, it is so true.


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