Guardians Prayer Warriors

Spreading God's Love Thru Prayer

Is What's Happening in U.S. Political Society Today Dangerously Alarming?

Has anyone ever before heard such ranting and rages in polite society these days as that found at constituent meetings held by Congressmen during the recent summer break all across the country? Is it as earnestly appalling to you as it is to me to see and hear the jeers, sneers, shouts, crudeness and rudeness of U.S. citizens toward their elected officials these days? They barely give them time to present nor respond to inquiries. Is there anyone else out there who thinks this is a most disgusting misrepresentation of democracy in action for the entire world to see? What is more frightening is that in several venues around the U.S., there have been found people with open arms right in public, and it is considered legal for them to do so if they are registered. Doesn't it seem as if this should be illegal in a public forum? How is it that so many of the majority population are allowed to get away with this, when it most likely be another story if the gun bearers were minorities? Only time will tell. It was discussed on the radio that there were citizens bearing weapons at events where our newly-elected President was speaking. I find this dangerous and outrageous and can hardly believe this is permissible by the Secret Service and any other law enforcement agency standards.

News casters and others are suggesting that many of these so-called detractors have been paid off and/or urged to react erroneously by the affected business (pharmaceutical, hospital or insurance) companies, lobbyists, and other political agents. Many are spouting off irrational statements that show they have no inkling about what is actually taking place. Sure informed dissent is useful in a democratic society, but pushing and shoving your point of view across without regard for others is the first step toward anarchy. It is one thing to shout and chant raccously at a rally (I've been involved in many of them), but it is quite another very different thing to act irresponsibly in a formal social setting. Where or what does this flagrant disregard for social standards stand to gain for the dissenters. What a hideous lesson for their children to learn to see their parents acting so disrespectfully of one another. We hear people saying they have no concern for their fellowman who is sick and in trouble and cannot pay for health care. Does our religion speak to that? We hear people discredit universal health care as Socialism. What's wrong with Socialism if it helps us help one another when they need it? What is even more appalling is that these same people will go to church on Sunday as if they have acted to the height of their religious beliefs during the week.

Is there anyone else out there who sees this as a sad day for America? Is there anyone out there who believes what is needed is massive Intercessory Prayer.

I invite anyone who is so moved to add comments and/or prayers here, or to go to my "Prayers for Obama" Discussion on my page on this site and raise a serious petition to the Lord. For we as a people surely need it!

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Intercede we must my friend!!! We must see it's like one of those hurricanes setting up off the coast, one shift of the wind and it'll be inland causing death and destruction. All this just like that hurricane that we have no control of is going to take and act of the Almighty. We must cry out like never before, cry out for our leadership, for I believe that our Adonai (Lord) said, that only he has the authority to choose a king, therefore even if we are not so sure if we like it, we know that his thoughts and ways are higher than ours, cry for our people, for the church, and for our families! We must wake up and pay attention! Our Elohiym (God) does not change, however we must, repent, cry out and pray! Theres always two conditions all through our Holy scriptures, blessings or curses. We must decide which one we really desire. Lets seek his face! The latter will be alot worse than just a cry.
Stay Blessed my friend!
I think people are mad for very good reasons. The president is leading us to the slaughter. He is first in line bringing in the new world order. He wants to turn Israel over to people that worship satan. If you don't stand for Israel you are doomed. He promotes abortion and being gay. These things are agaisnt God. We are to pray for the president and the government as the Lord commands us to do so. But we are to keep our eyes open and know that this man is being blinded by satan and not following the rules of God almighty.
I am so sorry my dear sister that you have been so misled. You are absolutely wrong on so many accounts, but I do not blame you; I pray for you. The last president (Bush) is the one that led the country to the slaughterhouse, and the current president is trying his best to save this country. He has not been in office even a year and people who are miguided are counteracting his efforts and discrediting him to no end to the endangerment of this society and the country at large. What he is doing has nothing to do with any New World Order, which if it comes will only be by the will of God, since God is ultimately in control, as we are taught. He does not "promote" abortion nor being gay. There is a big difference between "Promoting" something and acknowledging the human rights of something. The President's job is to uphold every citizen's Constitutional Rights. That's why the Founding Fathers of our country put in a separation of church and state to avoid such confusion. God is the God of every human creature who believes in Him, and it is up to that person to work out his or her own soul salvation with the Lord. I absolutely do not believe this man is blinded by Satan any more than I twould accuse you of being blinded by Satan just because I disagree with you. Unfortunately, there seems to be much confusion in some scriptural interpretation, whether we realize it or not. But each one is doing the best he or she can, because Corinthians says we now see through a glass "darkly", but eventually we all will see "face-to-face" and understand fully. Until then, we all have to respond to the scriptures in the way we are led to do so by the Holy Ghost. So it does not behoove any of us to be so condemnatory. And Isreal isn't perfect. Never has been. Even God "dismissed" Isreal or allowed it to be defeated when it was wrong, if you read the Old Testament carefuly; so Israel was wrong many times in the Old Testament just as much as it is wrong today in many instances. Israel is composed of humans, and Paul says all (humans) have sinned and come short of the Glory of God. This president is actually overly supportive of Isreal. But he also knows that other countries and human beings have rights also and are also children of God. Read further and realize that Islamics are also children from Father Abraham. And some people contend that the Allah they pray to is the same as our God. I just believe that Peace will not come to the world until these two "Cousins" unite and work life out together fairly. As Christians, we are taught by the New Testament that we should give up our lives for our brothers. If our brother asks us to carry his burden one mile, we should do two. If anything, If the U.S. claims to be a Christian nation, perhaps that is the lessons we were meant to teach Isreal.
God bless you much. Everything I said is true.
Please support your "truth" with resources, both historical, sociological and scriptural. What is the truth to support your claims that President Obama plans to turn Isreal over to people who worship Satan. Satan is alive and well in this country as well ass we are beginning to see through these people who make claims without any facts. That is also against many religious principles, starting with the Ten Commandments "Thou shall not bear false witness against thy neighbor." Thanks. Also so many Old Testament references reveal the sins committed by Isreal and why God sometimes allows them to be defeated. I am not advocating that, but I am just using it as an example to show Isreal has been wrong many times. Check it out. When you read the text, you will also know that this is true too. May our Heavenly Father bless you also.
The bible supports the fall. It warns to keep your eyes open. It warns to watch out for the wolves in sheep clothes. There are many Christian shows on TV with people who their life's work is to study the bible, who her from God. Anyone knows the news lies to us all the time just as our government always lies to us. Our President and government promote abortion which is against God. They worship money and power not God. They are not standing for Israel. Our government tells Israel to give it's land to the muslims. God said that is his Holy land. The muslims want to rule and kill us. The bible is the history of the muslims trying to kill God's people always. Our President went to muslims schools and his father a muslim. God bless you.
I am just seeing your response today. This discussions requested believers to pray for the President. If you do not wish to do that, please, out of courtesy to yourself and others, refrain from continuing to respond on this space of this site. If you cannot pray in support of this President, please start your own discussion, however misguided it might be. I'm sure you'll attract others who may blindly follow or agree with you. It really has no place in mine.

To do otherwise is simply an invitation for pursuing more discord -- as I will have to reply: Where the President went to school as a child has nothing to do with what he has decided to develop as a philosophy for life. You have with one unwitting stroke dismissed all his young adult and adult education. Your myopic outlook will not be corrected and as such is unfortunate. It is not any more right and just for us not Isreal to want to control and kill the Palestinians. The Bible in the New Testament speaks of giving up one's life for one's friend or fellow man. There is no greater love it says. If you think the present Isrealites are not also killing people and destroying their homes and land today, and are also doing it for religious reasons, you are quite misguided. That is not "Holy." They are not Christians, of course, so they would normally be adverse to peaceful means of negotiations to gain control of the land. Even the Muslims are also Children of God as are we all, and as such deserve rights to life and living as much as anyone else. To think and do otherwise actually diminishes us as believers of Christ. For he taught that the world was our neighbor.
In addition, after the World War agreement that carved out that land for Isreal, it has continued to attempt to expand, and often does so in the most vicious manner. That is the cause of the conflict today. Finally, the New Testament tells us to "love our enemies" not condemn them. There are higher ways to win over our so-called enemies than to use their same tactics which are not of the God of the New Testament (described this way for a reason).
Spiritual wisdom fades from those whose hearts have been hardened by worldly ideas and opinions. One today must be open to truly listening; to hear from God. To do this ones own opinions and ideas need to be set to the side. There in the light, is where one finds the truth. World and Spiritual differences are growing farther and farther apart, seperated from these ideas and opinions. In this seperation, the body of Christ suffers. If you want the truth, seek God.


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