Guardians Prayer Warriors

Spreading God's Love Thru Prayer

THOUGHTS: Not long ago, a lady came and told me, “Sandee, the reason I quit coming to church, the reason I hadn’t been here in two months is because everybody was talking about me. Everybody was against me.” I didn’t say it, but I thought to myself, “Ma’am, everybody doesn’t know you. If you sit on one side of the building, the people on the other side probably have never even seen you.” What happened? She was carrying offense and got distracted trying to fight a battle that wasn’t worth fighting. Someone offended her or said something she didn’t like, and instead of letting it go, she fell into a trap. “Well, I’m not going to come to church. I’ll just show them.” She got distracted trying to prove her point and the only person she ended up hurting was herself. That’s what happens when we carry offenses. Things get blown out of proportion--“Everybody is against me. Everybody is talking about me.”

We shouldn’t allow offenses to distract us and get us off course. Instead, we need to stay focused on what God’s called us to do and overlook offense. Choose your battles wisely so you can fulfill the destiny God has prepared for you!

PRAYER: Heavenly Father, search my heart today. Remove any offense or any wrong attitude that would stand in the way of Your best for my life. I love You and bless You. In Jesus’ Name. Amen.

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