Sunday Afternoon At 3:25 P.M.; September 13, 2009
PTL Prayer Warriors: I greet you in that Wonderful Name Lord Jesus Christ who has set us free. It was a wonderful privilege to have Pastor. Bonner home for Morning Worship today. However, my heart was saddened as Pastor. Bonner expressed how He was sick and needed a Miracle from GOD. Pastor Bonner, expressed that everyone who would pray and fast like His Churches in New York, and Columbia, South Carolina pray for Him. Pastor. Bonner, told everyone this Morning that he leaves ( Monday Morning returning to Columbia, South, Carolina and will be checking in the Hospital there. The thought came to mind King Hezekiah in II Kings 20:1-6; note verse 6. Then. Jeremiah 9: 17-18. Please, Prayer Warriors pray for our Chief Apostle for he need a Miracle from God; James 5: 16 (b)" the effectual fervent prayers of a righteousness man availieth much". Prayer Warriors if ever a time to pray its now. Please, pass on to any other Missionaries, Deacons, Elders, Bishops, Apostles, etc.
In the Service of the Master. Sis, Fern F.