Guardians Prayer Warriors

Spreading God's Love Thru Prayer

Blessings my brothers and sisters in Christ. Normally I come for prayer for someone else but this time it is for myself. Ever since I lost my job after 15 years it has hit my finances real hard. I still kept the faith. I still continue to lift Jesus up.

I know what is going on in my life is for a reason. I know God will provide and that he do not put more on me than I can bare. I have juggled what ever little money I get to pay all my bills and some of which has been pushed aside for another bill, which makes that bill accomulate more

I am not here to ask for money. All I want my brothers and sisters to do is send my situation up in prayer. When the praises go up the blessings will come down. When my families and friends are not there for me I know God is.I cannot stress over the people who walk away from me when I am in need. I am praying for a financial blessing. I was told today that if I do not pay $1.028.36 by September 3rd that they will be picking up my car.

Yes I need my car to get around. I also know what God has for me it is for me. I am a little sad because I am human. I am not depress to the point where I cannot lift Jesus up in prayer. I am not depress to the point to where I shut everyone out. I know how to get down on my knees and cry and pray to God to come through in my situation.

I have to keep the faith. God knows my needs. He knows my heart.

I thank you all in advance for your prayers. Thank you for taking the time out to read this posting.

I love you all but Jesus loves you best

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Father, God, I look to Thee for help, health, strength and provisions of all types for this Your Child of God who stands before you now in great need. Father, she has been one of Your faithful servants for lo these many years. Lord, we ask that you remember her goodness and give her the just rewards of her heart, soul and body. Father, we know you can open doors and pour out blessings from Heaven to restore her soul, body and mind. For we all need to be able to afford creature comforts just to the extent that we might survive and do the work that you have assigned our hands to do. Lord, we love you and praise your Name forever and thank you for the job that we are sure you will enable your servant to receive. Lord, we bless your Name and praise you for the provisions that you are about to send her way. Elohim, we adore Thee and count it all joy as we foresee that this Your servant is about to restored to the level that she will be able to maintain her life again and move forward in return, rejoicing on her way and giving the glory to God. Lord, we thank you for your Gracious Kindness and count it all done in the name of Your Blessed Son, Christ Jesus. Amen.


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