Guardians Prayer Warriors

Spreading God's Love Thru Prayer

I desire The Lord, He is so beautiful in ALL of His ways.  He is wise, righteous, holy and full of tender mercies.  I thank Him for this day.  He has opened my eyes to see His excellent glory.  I lived life for my humanistic purposes.  Now I see how blind I once was.  I seek Him to deliver me of this vile way of self life.  As I was praying I realized in the moment that Jesus Christ is EVERYTHING I ever wanted.  I need to die to my flesh and I know it.  I long for His qualities of meekness and goodness.  I pray now for my friends and enemies.  I seek to be free of any bitterness, hatred or hidden malice that I have harbored in my heart.  I ask The Lord for mercy and for His help and guidance.  I know that I cannot do anything of myself.  It is only by His Spirit that I am anything.  In Him we truly can do all things.  May God be glorified in me as I seek His glory and not my own.  May your eyes be opened too so that you may see that falsehood in many of the churches and their teachings. There are many conditions that the Holy Scripture speaks of and we must meet those conditions.  This means obedience to His words.  This can only be given by His Spirit.  This is why it is vitally important to cry out for His Spirit and to be planted among the righteous who do His will.  As you diligently seek Him I pray that you too might be changed into His likeness.

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Praise Him! Amen, we should seek to be more like Jesus day by day.


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