Guardians Prayer Warriors

Spreading God's Love Thru Prayer

So many people will comment and be outraged at what happened in Connecticut yesterday, and of course, they will ask if there is a God, where is He, and why would He allow so much evil to take place.

The answer is very simple. God is where He's always been, on the throne. Nothing takes Him by surprise. He loves you, and wants an intimate and personal relationship with you. He loves you so much that He sent His one and only Son, Jesus, to die for us. We didn't deserve this Precious Gift of love, but He did it anyway. God is good, and His mercy endures forever.
Of course, the opposite of good is evil. Because of the fall of Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden, along with Lucifer, otherwise known as Satan, trying to exalt himself above the Lord, resulting in being thrown out of Heaven, with a third of the angels. Ever since then, there has been spiritual warfare in the heavenlies.

You see, Satan's job is to steal, kill and destroy. God gives us life, and wants us to have it more abundantly. The problem is, the enemy pushes back against the goodness of God, and has millions of people deceived into thinking that when senseless tragedy strikes, whether it's innocent men, women and children being murdered, or weather that is considered "acts of God" that destroy everything in its wake. All of these things are the result of what happened when Eve made a DECISION to believe the lie that the devil told her, and Adam didn't stop her, but joined in.

What am I getting at? I'm saying that since we know that God is good, He loves us, and has His arms extended with the gift of salvation through Jesus Christ, we know that He is not responsible for the evil in the world, because every good and perfect gift comes from Him. So, the serpent, the devil, the father of lies, the deceiver, is evil, and there is nothing good that comes from him. There is only darkness, pain and suffering.

In the days to come, 26 families will have to lay their loved ones to rest. The pain will be unimaginable and unbearable. It doesn't matter condition that young man had. I understand that the media are pointing out the fact that he was autistic. There are plenty of autistic children that know the difference between right and wrong. It is unfortunate that Satan entered the heart of this young man, and he CHOSE to not only murder his mother, but the principal of the elementary school, five teachers, and twenty innocent children who did absolutely nothing to him. Then, in a final act, he committed suicide, thinking that he would escape the consequences.

Guess what? He may not be going to jail, or being committed to a mental institution, but I promise you that he, along with every single one of us, must bear the consequences for our actions, whether good or bad. You see, while God loves us, He also gives us a free will, to decide how we will live out our days, either in service to Him, where we will gain an eternity in His presence, forever, or to ignore His gift of salvation, and to decide to serve the enemy of our souls, with our thoughts, words, deeds and actions, seeking to please ourselves, shunning the light, but loving the darkness, where we can hide from the scrutiny of a holy and loving God. In the end, what will you choose; right or wrong? Good or evil. You may think that you're a good person, and you don't bother anybody, but that isn't going to get you into Heaven. Only accepting Jesus Christ as your Personal Savior, and asking Him to be Lord of your life will ensure that when you close your eyes in death, your spirit will continue to live in His presence. Rejection of God's gift of life will ensure that when you die, in Hell, you will lift up your eyes, feeling nothing but pain and torment that will never end. You think things are bad now? Try thinking about burning in a lake of fire, with the devil and all those who rejected the Lord, with no relief.

I'm not trying to give you a fire and brimstone message, but I'm just leaving you food for thought. I know that this will not be popular, and I may even lose some friends on this one, or get cussed out, rejected, thought of as crazy, or anything in between. I am far from perfect, and I don't always get it right, but I will tell you this. I would rather be thought of as insane, and know where I'm going when I die, and to lovingly warn others to make a decision that will secure your future, than to never see my loved ones again, because I didn't say something about this. Just like anything else, you have a choice to make. I sincerely will be praying that you made the right decision. I love you.

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