Guardians Prayer Warriors

Spreading God's Love Thru Prayer

   I wanted to ask prayer from everyone here as I contemplate a missionary call to Panama.  The Lord has started the ball rolling and in a few months it should be a go.  I am seeking the Lord to make sure this is where He needs me.  There is a need for missionaries who have been through issues that i have come out of and are willing to serve.   I said yes this morning at church to be one of those people.  I must admit I am a bit frightened.  I don't like change....  But as the missionary who was at our church this morning stated,  "Christianityis all about change!"

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Father God, I pray for Your Holy Spirit to lead and guide Thomas Maxwell into the truth of Your Will in his life and for his life.  Thank You Lord God for confirming exactly what Your will for brother Thomas is.  You oh Father God have prepared Thomas, and You Father God open the doors no man can shut, as well as shut doors no man can open.  I pray for Your peace to guard Thomas's heart and keep his mind, and Your joy to fill his heart and Your Love to surround Thomas, spirit, soul and body - and I pray that the blood of the Lamb of God, Jesus, cover Thomas from the top of his head to the soles of his feet, inside out, spirit, soul and body - and that the anointing of the Spirit break any yokes or bondages of the enemy of our souls, in the name above all names, Jesus, which every knee must bow and every tongue confess, that Jesus Christ is Lord, Amen, Amen, Amen, Amen, Amen!

Amen!  Thank you so very much for your prayers!  I stand in agreement with you!  May God richly bless you my sister!

My brother in Christ, this is a new season that we are in the beginning of - and the Lord is pouring out His Love and Anointing to surround us - as we continually humble ourselves to the Lord, and as Jesus did in the garden, say 'Your Will Be Done' we will move in true authority found only in Jesus Christ, who dwells within us by the Spirit of God! So be blessed, my brother, and always trust in the Lord God with all your heart.

Peace! In Jesus


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