Guardians Prayer Warriors

Spreading God's Love Thru Prayer

I will not be closing my pages brothers sisters. Just need sometime off last night one of my daughters was sent to the emergency room for chest pains we still don,t know how long she will be there she has the nitro patches on and they are giving her the nitro tablets, my daughter in law is serving our country in afganistan,and I am not concetrating on my studies like I should be for the Lord and no I did not pray on closing all sites first I was so upset. God please forgive me in Jesus name AMEN Much Love to all of you. Intercessor Sandra Grayson

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Thank God my daughter Yolanda is out the Hospital. But please continue to Pray for our troops all around the world. thank you all for showing that you care. I will be attend the national Christian workshop next week here in my city and I will be back on after that. God loves you and so do I.
Sister Grayson dont be discourage the Lord promised to be with you and Je will take care of every situation. I will keep you in my prayes. God bless.

Intercessor Sandra Grayson,

First God bless you for what you have already accomplished in life by interceeding for others on the pathway of our Lord. Father, we pray now that this your humble, precious servant's faith and grace be restored. Destroy any wiles of the enemy, and loose her from any of his hinchmen. Send forth your comforting and blessing Angels of Hope and Mercy, Lord and give her peace. Renew her strength, right now, Lord. Shore her up where she is weak. Restore her power and strength so she can once again be the force of might that has been set forth to draw others to Thy Will and Thy Way. Father, as humans, forgive us that we are sometimes weakned and falter. But keep our eyes on the High Calling of Christ, which is our Prize. Gracious Father, hold her close to Your bosom and let her know that not only do you still so greatly love her, but that you are also in control. Now we take time to pray for her loved ones: for their health and safety wherever they might be. Lord, we love you, adore you, and praise your Holy Name, and we count it as done in the Mighty Name ofJesus, your Son, the Christ. Amen.


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