Guardians Prayer Warriors

Spreading God's Love Thru Prayer

We recieved this email from a man of Elohiym (God) moments ago. Thought it should be posted in a place where it could be effective. Thank the Adonai Prayer Warriors for helping us to see the enemy even afar off.
Stay Blessed,
Minister Donna Dixon

Dear Minister Donna,

While in Jerusalem, God gave me a vision concerning America and a major terrorist attack.

In prayer Tuesday night, I saw Hezbollah terrorists attacking the U.S. They were blowing themselves up. I saw six of them attack just a few minutes apart in six different U.S. cities. Great numbers of innocent Americans were dead. It was awful.

Thursday, I received a call from a top government intelligence expert. He told me that Hezbollah cells are in the U.S. and are planning major terrorist attacks if Israel destroys Iran's nuclear reactors. He said Iran wants to kill millions of Jews with the bomb thinking it will usher in the Mahdi (the Muslim Messiah). He said President Obama knows about it and is pressuring Israel NOT to attack. Iran will have the bomb in 12 to 18 months if they are not stopped.

This is the reason for this urgent email. God has shown me the answer that will stop this attack and save tens of thousands of innocent lives. You have a divine assignment from heaven as did Esther and Daniel in the Bible.

God has told me in prayer that a Hezbollah plan to attack America can be stopped with 10,000 intercessors. The Bible says, "Behold, the Lord cometh with ten thousands of his saints." (Jude 1:14)

When Abraham saw judgment coming on Sodom and his family, he cried out and said, "Will you spare Sodom for the sake of ten?" God said, "Yes." God has told me that if 1000 of my inner circle partners (that's you) will enlist ten Christians to commit to pray and bind these demonic Hezbollah terrorists, angels on assignment will be united and defeat these powers. The terror attacks WILL NOT happen.

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GOD bless you, you faithful watchman. i will indeed interceed against this assignment of the enemy, remembering that GOD promised to be a friend to our friends and an enemy to our enemies. i will especially be praying prayers of protection for yourself and other watchmen and intercessors.
let me say how much i appreciate GOD's people engaging in real spiritual-warfare. for THE kingdom of GOD is not just about worldly prosperity, as we have been deceived in this last hour. for what will it profit us to gain the whole world, and yet lose our souls?
GOD is waking the church(CHRIST's bride) up out of her sleep and we shall not be denied. we will not be a church defeated but a church triumphant. out of these warfares(training and purifying) we shall be THE church without spot or wrinkle.
you have blessed my soul this day.
i appreciate you so much,
sandra landry


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