Guardians Prayer Warriors

Spreading God's Love Thru Prayer

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Praying for her safe return in Jesus Name. AMEN

and everyone said.....AMEN
Dear Father God, in the Holy Perfect Name of Jesus, Lord, we come before you now thanking You that You are an All- Powerful God, in whom no requests will go unanswered, and all desires received to the Heart of God from them that love the Lord. Father, we come today with a request for the well-being of a young girl, one of your children, who has gone astray. Father, please look to this child who has been lost to her family and protect her from all hurt, harm and danger. Lord, we beseech Thee to bring her to the realization that she needs to be back home with her family who loves her and takes care of her. We pray also for her family. Please give them the stamina to withstand the ordeal they are going through. And Lord, we ask that you turn this situation around and that the participants come through this test as pure gold. Father, please show this dear one that You are the Way, the Truth and the Light, and that only by Thy Grace can her life be restored. Father, please hear our petition and enter favorably unto our plea. This we ask in Jesus' Precious Name. Amen.
We will pray that Elizabeth will be found safe that the lord will wrap her up in his loving embrace, So she will return back to her Loving Family Thank you God
God My Father please keep this young lady safe from all harm please my God. You answer all prayers my father, please in your time aswer this pray and bring your child home safely. In your Son Jesus name I ask Aman.


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