Guardians Prayer Warriors

Spreading God's Love Thru Prayer

This is list 2

Steve Mazan- inoperable liver cancer,

Sam Bish(8 year old)- Osteosarcoma cancer in right knee and in both lungs,
Collis Johnson- Lymphoma Cancer,
David Taylor- lung cancer,
Gwen Wallace- breast cancer,
Mel's daughter-cervical cancer
Sandy Charney- stage 4 of lung cancer and in need of spiritual healing,
Patrick Swayze- pancreatic cancer,
Kathy Kuhn's sister,Terri- cancer in the lungs,throat and colon,
Karen, Shazz's friend- cancer is in a few places, she needs to be

Ava- endometrian cancer,
Diana Hagee & Estelle Reed- breast cancer,
Namzano and Harvey- cancer,
Adam Wershil- lung cancer,
Sandi- cancer in esophagus and colon,
Lucy Jarbow Thomas- cancer,
Lisa B -aggressive bone cancer,
Jim C -cancer,
kyle sweet- cancer,
Bill Glancy- Lymphoma Cancer has returned,

Martha Wernick- has cancer of the brain,
Nattie Pense- cancer,

and we pray for the cure

Thanks for helping me pray.
If any names need to be added to the list, let me know.
Ken O.

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Lord, God, I ask the previously uttered petition also for the additional people who are on the originator's list. Father also please hold them in the hollow of your hand and comfort, heal and bless them in the Name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Ghost. Amen.

Holy Abba touching and agreeing with the saints for your manifested glory to shine forth. Almighty YHVH, we ask in the name of Adonai Yahshua (Jesus) that you will shine the light of your shekinah upon this principality named darkness. Adonai Yahshua rebukes you! For you came and you shined your light for all man to see, that there was no more covering for sin, for trangression, for disease or sickness. We stand this day on your word for you alone carry the very wings of our healing. For this grace we bless you and acknowlege the good works that reign in your kingdom. May your word manifest your glory we await knowing that your mercy endures forever. Blessed be your Holy and divine name. For it's in the name of Yahshua Messiah we ask and in the name of the Almighty Abba, Hayah YHVH we pray and give you thanks. By your mighty Spirit we stand and speak, to thine be the glory for you alone are worthy to be praised!!! Halleluyah! and Amen!


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