Guardians Prayer Warriors

Spreading God's Love Thru Prayer

I am reaching out to ask for prayer for my family, business and our finances. Without going into detail because it can get long. I feel so stretched, sad, and stressed right now. My husband has no job, I had to leave my FT job back in February due to health problems. It gave me the opportunity to go fully into my business helping others around the world in consulting and management. Things have been slow and we have no revenue generating yet. Not to add to the troubles but I do not know how our rent and other expenses are going to be paid. I feel like giving up but their God has been pressing down on me not to give up. My faith is being shaken and I am in need of a miracle literally. I support 6 children and my husband who is in school FT and does not have a job. I have tried to help him with his job search as well but nothing. I am paying out my last bit of money on rent for next month and that is all I have left and I do not know where the money will come from at this point. I really need your prayers and intercession because I know God did not bring me this far to leave me. I have 3 children of my own and 3 step children that live with me because their mother was put in prison so this was a surprise to us but we have had to deal with it because her family does not want the children. One of the children belong to my husband from a previous marriage years ago but we do not know who the other two kids father is at this time. Some days I feel like leaving and never coming back. I'm sorry you guys, I just need a sure fire word from the Lord.. If he could just come down from heaven and lift my worries, troubles... I am working as hard as I can and I don't know what else to do. I have always taken care of the bills, etc. I'm ready to let go....

Please pray for me.

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Replies to This Discussion

Sis, We know that God can solve every problems, please know that I am praying with you.
(Mathew 12:28-30).

Sister the Lord hasn't forgotten you. You must give your problems to God. You must start saying Lord thank you all these problems are taken care of in Jesus. You must keep saying thank you these prblems are taken care of even when you don't see it. You must say thank you may husband has a good job even before you see it,etc. Thats how the power of God flows.
You haven't given the problems to the Lord. As long as you keep trying to fif it all the Lord can't help you. Move over and let God be God.
Put all the problems in your hands and push them to the altar of God. Say Lord here you have all these problems. I don't want them. IN Jesus!
Love you!


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