Guardians Prayer Warriors

Spreading God's Love Thru Prayer

In need of Prayer. I would like to request prayer, for my son Richard. He is a 16 year old that has been blessed to over come all of the challanges that has been thrown his way, but he was informed about a month ago thet he yet needed another surgery, this time on both of his knee's. Though he has been informed that it is a much needed surgery to keep him up and walking he is so tired of having to have surgeries, that he is taking the idea of having this one really hard. So I am asking all to send a few words to Our Father in Heaven, on behalf of Richard, to hold Richard up and comfort him as he undergoes his surgery on Friday, and that the heavyness in his heart is lifted, and he has a peace about having this surgery, that The Lord touches him for a safe and speedy recovery, and that the Doctors that are working on him, hands and minds be guided through Our Father in Heaven. If you would like to send a message directly to Richard he is one of the members on Target his name is Richard Owens.
Sister Zoila Owens

Richard was born with rheumatoid artithis, his surgeries and medications through out his life is more than I could tell, but this kid is one of the most joyous and strong children I have ever encountered. See Richard is my nephew. He's 16 and because of his condition only 3feet maybe 9in. tall. But he's braver than any 6 ft 8in. man I know, and most of all he loves the Adonai (Lord). His attitude right now is very rear. He's always smiling, encouraging someone and laughing. And you know whats truly beautiful? He does'nt even understand that theres a problem. This is just his life and he lives it to the fullest. You can see more about Richard and other children like him at "" , where he is this years posterchild. Pray for him and them all. These children are awesome for the pure beauty of the Adonai Jesus shines in their little faces.
Stay Blessed.
Minister Dixon- Target Outreach Ministries

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Update---- Blessings prayer warriors and we thank you in the name of Adonai Jesus for your petitions for Brother Richard. Praise the Adonai his surgery was successful and he is resting, but uplifted. We believe the Adonai Jesus for rapid healing. Knowing that this child has a great testimony in living a sacrificial life for the Adonai. And that he continue to bless him and his family. Keep us in your prayers as we'll be praying also for you.
Stay Blessed Brethren!
Minister Donna Dixon- Target Outreach Ministries

Minister Donna Dixon, I touch and agree for the safety, wellbeing, encouragement, and healing of your 16-year old son, Richard, who has been suffering from a congenital illness. Thank you, God, for giving Richard the strength and resilience to undergo the repeated surgeries of the past to get him to where he is today. Lord, God, please re-double this fortitude so that he will be able to withstand any others that may face him in the future. Lord, let him know that you have provided for him through the knowledge and skill of the physicians so that he can be transformed in this world to his best state in life. He is a blessing and a lesson for ohers who may be going through something similar. Let him know that he is still precous in God's sight and that of others. Lord, please continue to allow him to exude grace and hope for others. Let him know that he is loved and that his life is important to God's plan for the world. Please Heavenly Father, give the parents and other family members the grace, patience, and strength to be the resource that this child needs. They are all important to Your Holy Plan. Let them know that the illness may not have been a part of the plan, but the resilience and how they respond to l ife is what God has given them to succeed and achieve within. They are all important to the Family of Man. God bless each and every one of them. Amen.


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