Guardians Prayer Warriors

Spreading God's Love Thru Prayer

The list is getting longer so I felt the need to break up the list
into 5 parts. I'll try not
to post too often, I don't want to
be a bother. This is list 1.

Our Holy Father in Heaven, Creator of the Universe, we thank You for
this day and all of our many blessing. We thank You for our most
important blessing- our Lord and Savour Jesus Christ who died for our
sins. We ask for forgivenenss of our sins and we ask that you guide
in accordance with your will. We pray for the cure of the terrible
disease Cancer. There are many people working on it all over the
world and we pray that you guide them in the right direction that
would lead to the cure of all types of cancer. We pray for all of the
victems that have become warriors that are fighting for their lives.
Give their bodies the strength to do so. We pray that you send Your
Healing power into these people that they will be totally and
completly cured of all traces of the tumors. Specifically we pray for
these individuals:............................

Mary Morris- had surgery to remove the rest of the 4th stage cancer,
Amy Harris- lung cancer,
Virgil M. and Debbie M.- cnacer,
Michelle and Janet Thompson- cancer,
Claudia Hornbeck - fighting cancer and undergoing brain radiation
Kristin's dad, Eric Scharf- myloma cancer,
Ragmant Fortune (76yrs) history of cancer, this time may be on spine,
Wanda's mother- cancer,
Harry Zepp- lumphoma and other medical problems,
Andy of Baltimore, Maryland- He decided to not take the treatments and is in
need of salvation,

Morga Griswold- cancer,
Angie Horvath (32) has battled ovarian cancer for 10 years,
Philip Lane- inoperable brain tumor,
Gary Parker, of Waco (China Springs)area-having chemo treatments for colon
Tim Rushing,U.S. Army Veteran,Kuwait- cancer,
Neil- lymphoma,
Jeffrey Henson- prostrate cancer,
ANDJELA- CANCER in her tummy,
Katie Dowdell- lung cancer,
Darla Holm- cancer,

................................and all others who we do not know of.
We pray that your Healing Power be sent to these people and their
Cancer is totally and completly destroyed and that they live long and
prosperous lives. If any of these people are not saved, we pray that
they will come to you and be added to your Kingdom. We pray for their
families. Give them the strength
and the courage they need to take care of their loved ones. Give them
a break from their worries let them laugh and be joyful because the
worries and stress can be very taxing on their bodies and their
spirits. In all things we pray that your Will be done and that we do
all things in accordance to your Will. Thank You for the opportunity
to come before you at this time and thank You for your Love and Your
Grace. We ask this prayer in the Holy Name of Jesus Christ, Amen.

Thanks for the help praying. Let me know if anyone needs to be added
to the list.
Ken O.

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Touching and agreeing, for your manifested grace Abba, In Adonai Jesus name we ask, and in your Mighty name Hayah YHVH, we pray and give you thanks for this great victory and your mercies that endure forever, Halleluyah, Halleluyah, Halleluyah and Amen!
Father, God, we bow before Thee today in obeisance, offering up to you our supplications for all those mentioned in originator's request. Father, I ask that you please give them the miraculous gift of health through your healing power. Lord, we ask that you ease their pain and restore them all to the height of their existence.

Then Father, we implore and beseech Thee to send forth your mercy and your wisdom to allow our scientests and physicians to discover the method of treatment and cure for this dreaded disease. Father we know that all time and existence is in Your Hands; but we beg Thee to have mercy on us as a people who stand before you in great need. Lord, please allow us the gift of resistance and discovery of effective methods of counteraction. Finally, Lord, please bless us all with the removal of this disease from our midst. Lord, we would count it all to Thy Glory and Majesty in the Name of Thy Son, Jesus the Christ, the Author of Compassion and Mercy. Amen.


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