Guardians Prayer Warriors

Spreading God's Love Thru Prayer

This Prayer Request is from Sister Sebrenia LaShell Baker.
this is the message.

I'm really baffled how I have allowed the money situations of the economy get in my life and cause tremendous problems of seperation. Now, I even feel worse than before I made the choice to split. I'm constantly praying! I live here in Orlando, Florida but the way things are going, I want to leave. Please pray with me for strength. I am beginning to sink my self into a depressed mode on a daily basis. I know GOD is able to do all things but fail.

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If God brings you to it He will help you Through it May God bless all
GOD bless you sister,

ask and it shall be given unto you. GOD's answer for depression is to put on the garment of praise. you asked for strength, HE has said, THE joy of THE LORD is our strength.
you asked, how can i sing in a strange land(financial captivity,seperation and depression)? you must realize through THE spirit of revelation(GOD's Holy Spirit), that all of the circumstances that you have named even the hopelessness that you feel are demonic spirits.
don't be afraid(fear is also an evil spirit) for GOD has not given you a spirit of fear, but of love,power and a sound mind. put on the whole armour of GOD that you may be able to stand. put on(you do it) is a direct specific instruction from GOD. the blessing is upon your being obedient to HIS instructions. do you not believe in GOD and that HE has said, there is NOTHING to hard for HIM? GOD is not intimidated by your mountain of debt etc. He certainly is not surprised by the place you 've found yourself in.
HE knows what it takes to get our attention. we must never put our trust in man(his system or way of doing things) but only in HIM and HIS government(GOD's way of doing things).
precious child of GOD, in no way am i condemning or judging you. i'm simply pointing out that where we are in our lives today, are because of our choices. for even when we choose to follow the will of GOD concerning our lives, the circumstances from the natural point of view may appear desolate. consider the lives of the prophet jeremiah and apostle paul. paul stated that he had been shipwrecked,beaten left for dead, etc.but he declared his mission or assigment was successful.
you are on the potter's(GOD's) wheel , please allow HIM to shape and mold you into a vessel of honor,fit for THE MASTER's use.certainly this doesn't feel good to you, but it is good for you.

GOD really loves you,
sandra landry
Coming into agreement for you my sister with all these the saints of the Almighty YHVH, touching and agreeing by the indwelling Spirit, who alone hold the power of restoration. Recieve and believe!!! Let him reign rule and abide, for there is know affliction known to us that he has not been through, that he does not understand, that he will not hear and intercede for, for he alone sits at the right hand of the Almighty Abba. Seek him and get to know him! Lift up your hand and reach for him, touch his heart and he will, touch yours. Draw unto him with all you got and he will draw unto you! All these things are spoken for His name sake and his glory this day, and for you my friend. In the Divine name of Adonai Yahoshua (Lord Jesus) we decalre this day to be so! Halleluyah and Amen!


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