Guardians Prayer Warriors

Spreading God's Love Thru Prayer

This Prayer Request from Brother Are Sørlie
this is the message.

Hello,Can you my brothers and sisters lift me up in prayer.

I have battled agains my eks girl friend to come into my daughters life. We have been in court a loth og times the lates 9 years.My eks girl friend want leth me come into my daughter life.And she have done the husband to father for my daughter and are not informing my daughter about me.The stepfather have also trying to adopt my daughter and if he gets to adopt my daughter they can take me out of my daughters life forever.The family of me on my side of family is my eks girl friend telling are not allowed to meeth my daughter.When I and my eks girl friend lived to gether its was not any violense in that relationship.Can you ask Jesus to bring me into my daughters life,to remove every obstakel and to bring evil tings done to me to end.Can you also pray that my family can meeth my daughter,They have not meeth here for 9 years. My daughters name is Tonje and is 9,5 years old,My eks girl friends name is Ellen and the stepfathers name is Åge,Can you pray also for them,Can you also ask Jesus for healing and protection to me,that I have Gods favor in my life.Can you also pray for the service Jesus have called me to

Ps I have forgiven my eks girlfriend many years ago,can you ask God that she to gets the power to forgive

Can you bring this prayer request to your church and ask your brothers and sisters,the pastor to agree in this prayer

Best regards Are Sørlie,Brother in crist

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Heavenly Father GOD touch her heart in Jesus name .AMEN
For My Brother

What Satan Fears Most

What Satan fears most
Is a man on his knees;
Not vast marching armies
With great weaponry.

He knows he can stand
Against the power of men;
To engage us in battle
Is mere sport to him.

But a man on his knees
With his head bowed in prayer
Is something quite different
To the prince of the air.

For when he sees us in prayer
To our God most high,
He knows we have seen
Through his devilish lies.

That's why Satan fears most
A man on his knees;
And we'll keep him trembling
If our prayers never cease
Dear Father God, In the Holy Perfect Name of Jesus, you know the desires of this man's heart. Lord, I know you love him and his daughter and are aware of all matters involving the situation that they each are in. Father we pray that he receives his wishes that he remain a part of his child's life. Father, we pray for peace, loving and tranquility among all the members who are involved in this family strife. Please bring love, understanding and forgiveness to the situation in the Name of your Son Jesus Christ. Lord, we love You; we adore You; and we will praise Your name Forever. Amen.


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