Guardians Prayer Warriors

Spreading God's Love Thru Prayer

This Prayer Request is from Irene Hargrove.
this is the message.

i need prayer
please pray for me. i need prayer for finance, job, and a place to live. i've been homeless for quite some time. i have a 17 year old daughter whose name is Hillery, and we have been living from one family member to the other. I've looked for a job constantly, but nothing has come. i'm praying but nothing is happening. I called my brother in Missouri, and he said we could come and stay with him, he'll help us all he can. my daughter and myself will be leaving this month on the 17th. going to kennett missouri. pray that everything goes well for us there. and pray for my brother and his family also. i'm heart broek and need prayer warriors to pray for is
thank you so much, and may God continue to bless you
yours in Christ
Irene Hargrove at

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Replies to This Discussion

Thank you for your prayers, I pray God's blessing to continue to flow in your life.
I receive your words in my heart, and i believe it's already done. Thank you for the intercession, of being covered in the blood of our Lord And Savior, Jesus Christ. For your prayers are very much needed. Keep us lifted up in prayer. I will also prayer for you, thanks, for your prayers have surely helped us, while we are having this valley experience.
God Bless You!
Your Sister In Christ;
Irene Hargrove at
I plead the blood of Jesus on your life. You will get the job and house that people will want to know how did you get it. God has giving you favor. Amen

Keep your personal relationship with Jesus and God will honor His WORDS.

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GOD bless you sister,
i'm interceeding for you and your family. GOD will provide. you may not even feel HIS presence, just trust HIM. in all things give thanks. you and your precious daughter will see the manifestation of an undeniable miracle not many days hence.

sandra landry
I thank you for your prayers and intercession for me and my daughter. i recieved quite a few replies to my prayer request. I thank God for prayer warriors and intercessors, that don't mind praying for His people. I feel better, and i recieve all your prayers, and i also believe it's already done.
Thank you once again.
May the Lord continue to keep you all and bless you.
Your sister in Christ
Irene Hargrove at
Thank you your sacrifices of praise on our behalf. We recieve it and believe it!
your prayers means so much to us. God's blessings be upon you,
Your sister in Christ
Irene Hargrove
Our Mighty Abba, and Adonai, we come to you knowing and trusting you for your faithfulness in all provision. You said you already know what we need before we even ask, you said, you will supply all our needs according to your riches in your glory. So we put you in rememberance today for our sister, asking that you hear her pleas and her cries, you are the Almighty YHVH Jireh, the only one and true and living Elohiym (God). We come into agreement with her for her supplications, for her and her family. Connect her with your children that are hidden in all your places, where ever it is you've opened up a door for her for employment and grant her favor. Thank you Abba, that as we ask you have already sent ministering angels with provisions. We know it's not too much to ask that you please send them to all your children that are in need, this day, for a roof over their heads, for food, for finances, employment, for every provision Abba! Thank you that your ways are higher than our ways, thank you that your word shall not go void, thank you that you give us the opportunity to glorify you!! Halleluyah. Blessed be your Holy name! Thank you Adonai Jesus for granting us the ability to even place our request before your throne. Your mercy endureth forever!! In your name Adonai Yahoshua (Jesus) we ask and in the name of the Almighty Father YHVH,who sent his only begotten Son and restored unto us the benefits of provision by his blood, we pray!! We declare and decree by the Spirit of Yahoshua who rest rules and abides, to you be the glory forever and ever,,,Amen ,AMEN, and Amen.


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