Guardians Prayer Warriors

Spreading God's Love Thru Prayer

My Niece Jane has cancer of the Liver & has 6 Months to a year to serve God here on earth. Please pray for her & her sister who has Disbetes & is on Dialysis three times a week Please keep them in your prayers & pray for a cure Thank You Donalde

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Father in Jesus Name I come to you nothing in my hands I bring but simple to the cross I cling. I know God you are Healer and the Great Physician you can do all things I stand this morning in the gap for my two sisters suffering from Cancer Diabites lord extend your hands of mercy to them this morning.Thanks in Jesus Name Amen.
Thanks for the prayers one Niece Jane has Cancer & Cathy Has Hepatitis Instead of Diabetes . Keep them in our Prayers AMEN
Thank you lord watch over my nieces help cure their bodies of these dreaded diseases of Cancer & Diabetes May god bless & watchover them & their Families Amen

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The cure is Jesus by His stripes they are healed in Jesus name.AMEN
Father, God, we thank you for your Goodness and your Greatness. Lord, we love you and know that you love mankind. Therefore, Lord, we are asking you to please bless us all, and hasten the day when one of the most treacherous maladies, cancer, would be conquered and destroyed. Lord, please continue to instruct the scientists and researchers who are working feverishly night and day to find a cure. Lord, we know that you will give this answer to man in due time. Father, we beseech Thee that the timing will be in the framework that will embrace these two women with restoration to health. Lord, there are so many people who are suffering, and we pray for their health and comfort. Lord, also please ease their physical pain, and the stress that these families endure. Keep them ever mindful that all power is in Your Hands. Lord, again, we love You. We adore you, and we beseech You to answer this prayer. Amen.
My brother it is not what the doctors say but what Jesus say by His stripes they are healed in Jesus mighty name .Amen

I want to Thank everyone for the prayers for my Niece Jane in Michigan as she lost her fight with Cancer yesterday Sept 4th. May she rest in Peace . Gopd bless all


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