Guardians Prayer Warriors

Spreading God's Love Thru Prayer


I got your notes Hon.
Just fighting this cold now.
...sorry for not getting back with you.

Yeah well its getting harder and harder for us around here....mainly because my hubby has been laid off from work sense last Nov. And now our benefits are near running out.
There is absolutely no work here in Michigan! What few jobs are left, are started to feel this too.
I work at the same hospital my daughter worked at. People are losing the insurance so that means its getting worse at the Hospital too. She got laid off Friday, because they are cutting back anyone that's been around a long time and is making to much money. She worked there 16 years.
I've been there around 13 years, but I am only a contingent for them.
But that means nothing if they do some more cuts. I will be the 1st to be let go. My son-in-law is working for the time being, but the company told them its only till the 1st of the year and then they will be forest to shut down. My son works for a month then gets laid off for a month. This is just so ridicules!
And of top of this all......we are dealing with my hubby's mom and moving her into an assistant living because she is too ill to live along anymore. My mom is right behind her.
So with all this stress lately......I think I've got an ulser in my stomach now.
I don't like crying and telling my problems to everyone. No one really cares anyway. SO I have been keeping all this to my self.
Your the ONLY one who even read that note and sent a reply to me.
I thank you for that!
I know it can always be worse.......and I feel its only going to keep getting worse too, unless we do get a small miracle for our family.
So thank you for offering to say a little prayer for us here.
I really appreciate your kindness.

Take care and have a great night.
I am going to lay down for a while.
~hugs & love~

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We will pray

Dear Heavenly Father,
There is so much trouble here in our world just now. Father, we need You more than ever. There are so many men and women and families who are feeling the devastating brunt of the economic fall of industries in our country. Lord, we need your help to keep us focused and believing. Father we call upon Thee and Thy emissaries to interceed for so many families that are hurting right now. Father give them strength to continue and open doors for them. Lord, we cannot afford to loose not one of them. Father, let them know that although their circumstances many have to change, their lives still can be restored and they can flourish again. Lord, when they find themselves at a crossroads, let them find another door of opportunity opening up for them. Above all, help them to keep the faith. Restore them to well-being in your time, and wipe away their tears. Help us all learn a lesson from this predicament, as individuals, as families, as communities, and as a nation. Father, we think of the woman in the scriptures who was going to make the last cake for herself and her son and release their lives. But a prophet arrived just in the nick of time. Lord, let the prophet come to our rescue here today in whatever form you wish him to be. Father we hold your word true and redeeming. May your grace and mercy rest upon us all from now on and even forever more. Amen.
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