Guardians Prayer Warriors

Spreading God's Love Thru Prayer

she was raped yester day in the project where grandsons aunte live in the hallway the guy had gun he tried 2 shoot her but god jammed the gun she was saved but started hanging with the same people god told nit 2 hang they uses her and tells her i hate her because tell about lord please pray 4 my dauther that she finds friends of the lord jesus n my grandson n get saved n delivered love lolita i put a picture of her n my grandson

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To you my sister.

"And So Shall We Ever Be With The Lord"

The Remarkable Creation of The "New Creature"

In Romans 8, (and as part of our sonship establishment), God teaches us to understand and appreciate the basics regarding our heavenly vocation in His plan and purpose. He teaches us that in accordance with His now revealed plan for also delivering "the creature" from the bondage of corruption and not just the earth, He has purposed that we are to be His "new creature," and that thereby we will be the means by which "the creature" will get delivered and its realm will become reconciled unto God.

Then after having established us as His "sons," (and as we begin going through the curriculum for our sonship edification and for our vocational training), God also begins to teach us about something else that is directly connected to our capacity to function as His "new creature." Something that specifically provides for us to fulfill this unique vocation.

Beginning in Romans chapter 12 God begins to teach us about the new and different and special kind of living-union-relation-ship that we in this present dispensation have both with the Lord Jesus Christ Himself, and also with each other, whereby He has made us fit to be able to actually function as His "new creature." As such, this new and different living-union-relationship has been specifically designed by God to perfectly suit the particular vocation that He has for us in His plan and purpose. It, therefore, has been tailor-made by God for us in this present dispensation, and also it has been tailor-made for our heavenly vocation. Hence it truly does provide us with the mechanical means and capacity to fulfill our heavenly vocation.

Now this new and different and special living-union-relationship that we have with the Lord Jesus Christ, and with one another, is the issue of us being "one body in Christ" and also being "members one of another." It is the result of God Himself Iegally identifying us with, and associating us with, the Lord Jesus Christ, who in connection with His now revealed inheritance as God the Father's "firstborn" has both received dominion over "the creature" and is the legal heir of its realm.

What's more, having legally identified us with Christ as such, God has also legally joined us to Christ as the 'head of the creature' that He now is. Whereby He has made it so that we can legally be incorporated into "the creature," with both the right to occupy its realm and to assume its function.

Now our legal identification with Christ, and our legal joining to Christ, have been accomplished by the Holy Ghost Himself. Who when He baptized us "into Christ" not only made us 'dead to sin and alive unto God,' but He also created the vitally necessary and living bond of genuine union between us and the Lord, as well as between each of us collectively, which enables us to mechanically function as "the new creature." Hence by the Holy Spirit God has organically joined us to the Lord Jesus Christ as the 'head of the creature' that He now is, and He has also organically joined us one to another.

Wherefore in this present dispensation of His grace God has indeed created, (and He has put us into), a new and different and special living-union-relationship with His Son, the Lord Jesus Christ. For the sake of being able to make it so that we can function as His "new creature" God has both created this new living-union-relationship, and by it He has made it so that we are "one body in Christ," and we are also "members one of another."
GOD will heal the wounds and she won't have scars. what the devil meant for evil, GOD will turn it for her good. be still and know that GOD is GOD. the healing anointing covers you and your family in JESUS's name.

sandra landry
I will Pray for everyone & Praise God


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