Guardians Prayer Warriors

Spreading God's Love Thru Prayer

Heavenly Father as we come into your courts with praise and your gates with thanksgiving

We give you honor and glory for you alone are worthy of all we have and we lift your Name on high

We thank you that through and in you we live move and have our being

We decree and declare that you are our Lord and Savior the lover of our soul

And because of you we have victory and dominion over the earth and Satan

We decree and declare that we have power and authority to bind every spirit of depression, oppression, stress, strife, bitterness, unforgiveness, prejudice, pride, contention, witchcraft, perversion, deception, lying, gossiping, backbiting, mudslinging, distortion and contention In The Name of Jesus

We loose, null, void, render powerless to hurt, harm or endanger us, our ministry, family, friends, co-workers, leaders, city officials, police officers, emergency workers, hospital staff, college, elementary, Junior High and High School students, Pastors, Bishops, Apostles, Prophetess, Prophets, Prayer Warriors and Intercessors, First Ladies, Missionaries, Evangelists and Teachers

We decree and declare that wealth and riches are in our homes and we loose blessings, hope, love, peace, favor and joy in the places that have been destroyed through lies, deception, delusion and doubt

We cast out fear through the perfect love of Jesus Christ

We stand in the gap for every young man and young lady

Every youth and teen and we decree and declare that they are the head and not the tail

They will have and expected end there will be no premature death or abortion

We decree and declare that they will be mighty men and women of God for the Kingdom

We decree and declare that their school year will be successful

They will have favor with their teachers and peers

They will speak boldly the things and will of God

They will live and stand apart from the ungodly and declare the Righteousness of God

They will set standards and choose friends that are Holy and represent Christ

They will not be ashamed of the Gospel of Jesus Christ

Through the youth the next generations to come will know and serve Christ

Prayer Warriors and Intercessors will be watchmen on the wall praying without ceasing to reveal God’s Shekinah Glory

Prophets and Prophetess will decree and declare the Word of the Lord for Salvation, Healing, Restoring, Reconciliation and Rebuilding of God people who are hurting, abandoned, abused and lost

No weapons formed against us will prosper

The weapons of our warfare is not carnal but mighty through the pulling down of strongholds

We decree and declare that our voices are trumpets sounding the alarm

Our hands are trained for battle and war

Our hearts and mind are equip with the unadulterated Word of God

The battle has been won the scars are the evidence

Stand firm and girded with the belt of truth

Protect your mind with the helmet of salvation

Protect your heart with the breastplate of righteousness

Bring your sword which is the Word of God

Along with the shield of faith to quench every fiery dart

Trials and tribulations are the beginning

Pain and suffering is the purification

The Lord has given you and equipped you for all you will face

Use your weapons of warfare for you fight not against flesh and blood

But darkness and principalities

Know your position and operate with power and authority

In Jesus Name Amen




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Please explain your need in detail, so we may pray specifically and effectively for you.pray 4 god an jesus an the angels up in the sky heavens come down from heavens 2 come inside of my home as in ddeloreshzeamansas starangelsrosebuds an ps also goses 4 r 2 grown up adults r 2 kids as in r son cj as carl honeas an r baby girl angel as in latosha honeas an plus there dad karl honeas home 2 make the bad evil deviles saten 2 get him out take it the bad evil saten as in the deviles out of my home as 2 take the saten devil 2 evil bad place as in hell were he as the bad evil saten as the evil bad devil were the devil will never ever ever come back in my home place ever again an 2 take the evil bad evil bad drugs as in pot weed cocan melth poping pills as in the bad evil pills drugs as in get high an nailes as in the bad evil nailes drugs an ice an evil bad evil deases evil bad an evil bad evil drinking beer drinking beer partys an evil bad evil bad fights fights an bad evil bad evil words talking bad evil words an bad evil bad evil minds thinking real bad evil bad evil things doing bad evil bad things stuff an evil bad evil bad bodyes pain aces evil bad evil bad pain in the heartes an chestes an backes an armes an neckes an eyeses an teelthes an handes an leges an faces an feetes an heades an braines an evil bad evil paying big big monthly big heavy paying big billes each monthes each monthes goses by each monthes an even about being poor each monthlyes do u want 2 be in my love life as in my life 4 life 4 ever as a yes up 2 u an u must be real very rich lots of cash with very lots of real true love no lies no games u cant buy love come from the heart love is free i am not ant r not 4 sale no evil no drugs no fights no heavey big beer partys just wine must love 2 share half of your cash money not get upset r mad must be happy wear a smile an must do have an got the love 4 holy jesus christ an holy god an holy angels up in sky heavens an love the holy ghost an holy spriti an must love 2 have get in read the holy bibles as in king james versons holy bibles an do call me right away real fast soon now as it a yes that u want 2 be in my life an in my love life 4 life 4 ever my cell is 423 322 9731 end_of_the_skype_highlighting here is home address 219 south oak street apt 219 walker county city lafayette state ga zip 30728 in house athority project
Please explain your need in detail, so we may pray specifically and effectively for you.pray 4 god an jesus an the angels up in the sky heavens come down from heavens 2 come inside of my home as in ddeloreshzeamansas starangelsrosebuds an ps also goses 4 r 2 grown up adults r 2 kids as in r son cj as carl honeas an r baby girl angel as in latosha honeas an plus there dad karl honeas home 2 make the bad evil deviles saten 2 get him out take it the bad evil saten as in the deviles out of my home as 2 take the saten devil 2 evil bad place as in hell were he as the bad evil saten as the evil bad devil were the devil will never ever ever come back in my home place ever again an 2 take the evil bad evil bad drugs as in pot weed cocan melth poping pills as in the bad evil pills drugs as in get high an nailes as in the bad evil nailes drugs an ice an evil bad evil deases evil bad an evil bad evil drinking beer drinking beer partys an evil bad evil bad fights fights an bad evil bad evil words talking bad evil words an bad evil bad evil minds thinking real bad evil bad evil things doing bad evil bad things stuff an evil bad evil bad bodyes pain aces evil bad evil bad pain in the heartes an chestes an backes an armes an neckes an eyeses an teelthes an handes an leges an faces an feetes an heades an braines an evil bad evil paying big big monthly big heavy paying big billes each monthes each monthes goses by each monthes an even about being poor each monthlyes do u want 2 be in my love life as in my life 4 life 4 ever as a yes up 2 u an u must be real very rich lots of cash with very lots of real true love no lies no games u cant buy love come from the heart love is free i am not ant r not 4 sale no evil no drugs no fights no heavey big beer partys just wine must love 2 share half of your cash money not get upset r mad must be happy wear a smile an must do have an got the love 4 holy jesus christ an holy god an holy angels up in sky heavens an love the holy ghost an holy spriti an must love 2 have get in read the holy bibles as in king james versons holy bibles an do call me right away real fast soon now as it a yes that u want 2 be in my life an in my love life 4 life 4 ever my cell is 423 322 9731 end_of_the_skype_highlighting here is home address 219 south oak street apt 219 walker county city lafayette state ga zip 30728 in house athority project
Amen!!! Glory to God We recieve every word that you prayed and declared. We as saints stand boldly and armless against the enemy and all that he represents.We are victorious, we fight to win and we train like we fight.


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