Guardians Prayer Warriors

Spreading God's Love Thru Prayer

Guardians Prayer Request


Guardians Prayer Request

Spreading God's Love Thru Prayer Each and everyone of us is going through tough times right now but God is getting ready to bless you in a way that only He can. Prayer is the Key.

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Prayer request from a member Patty Huffman

Started by Guardian. Last reply by Guardian Jun 23. 1 Reply

Please Keep Me in Your Prayers. I'm going to Have A (ICU) Implantable Cardioverter -Defibrillator Put in My Chest on Friday (6-28-24) Pray Every thing Goes Well With No Complications. Thank You!…Continue


Started by eithel. Last reply by Guardian Jan 10. 1 Reply

Please pray for me to find a good affordable place to live asap so I can get my belongings out of storage also finances to pay for all expenses. Thank you for praying on this matter amen.

Pray for my family the Smith's

Started by Guardian. Last reply by Guardian Jan 3. 2 Replies

Hello my brother's and sister's in Christ on behave of my family. I am asking you to keep us lifted up in prayer for the passing of my brother Raymond Smith who passed on Monday December 25, 2023 Thank you and have a blessed day.…Continue

Rosemary classy lady passed this morning 9/8 2022

Started by Guardian. Last reply by Guardian Oct 14, 2022. 3 Replies

Hello Prayer warriorsI received a message today from Sister Pamela Hello my dearest brother just letting you know that Rosemary classy lady passed this morning.Please keep her family in prayer.…Continue

Prayer Request -

Started by Sebrenia LaShell Baker. Last reply by Guardian Jan 4, 2022. 1 Reply

Good Afternoon Guardian Prayer Warriors,I am asking if you would please pray for my daughter/niece Kalisha Bradwell. She was diagnosed with cervical cancer in Tallahassee Fl and we are going to Moffitt Cancer Center in Tampa on Friday the 7th, for a…Continue

Please pray for all the world

Started by Alex. Last reply by Guardian Dec 16, 2021. 1 Reply

Please pray for all the world, may love and peace always be with us all regardless of ethnicityContinue

Tags: the, world, all, for, pray

Pray for my family

Started by Guardian May 12, 2021. 0 Replies

Hello my brother's and sister's in Christ on behave of my family. I am asking you to keep us lifted up in prayer for the passing of my brother James Smith who passed on May 10 At Thank you and have a blessed day.…Continue

Prayer Request from Facebook

Started by Guardian. Last reply by Rev. Dr. Gertrude Ferguson Mar 29, 2021. 2 Replies

Please everyone PRAY for my mom !! Idk what to do at all . I need my mommy y’all. She has internal bleeding in her brain…Continue

Please pray for the Nations!

Started by Lady Wind. Last reply by Prophetess Diana E.Evans-Brown Nov 12, 2020. 3 Replies

This virus Conovirus 19 is a Beast. It has claimed  many lives. Please praise pray that God will forgive the sins of the people and heal the land... Heaven knows there are a lot of sick folks out there before this virus..  People need healings and…Continue

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Comment by Guardian on December 22, 2010 at 9:40pm
Comment by Mr & Mrs Olonjiu on December 11, 2010 at 10:13am

I would  like all the brothers and sisters here to keep my huband in prayer he is tryed to get a uk visa and was reused with a right to we going ahead with the appeal.thank you. make god bless all.

Comment by mike service on December 10, 2010 at 10:27pm

wow what a time these last few weeks my eye is totally healed  2 days after the accident they removed the patch and all casped as a new lense had grown   then infections came for some days   the next week i was up a ladder and fell onto concrette  k oed  getting there once again it was a miracle no broken bones  still on pain killers for my back

man i went to prayer why   then the lord spoke   we had watched a dvd on northern uganda where that evil warlord was kidnapped all the children and did so much evil   the lord told all the christians to go to the high places the man and his team used and pray  at some they found human bones  from their sacrifices   after this the ugandan army began to win before he had always known when they were comming    he told his top men i have lost my power now since those christians prayed

the next day my loverly wife her father was one of mugabes top men in zimbabwean govt he was also chief witchdoctor wizzard etc   anyway she said mugabes top high place is where my father is burried at heroes cemetary   thats where he and his top men do all their sacrifeses   etc and how they stay in power i know through my dad   she was supposed to go on to be one if not the most powerful woman witches in zim

the next day i had my first accident oh it was chaos that morning and we missed morning reading prayer same the day i had my second accident

any of you who pray for nation join us we can take down this high place through prayer   but if you do make sure you cut of the spirit of retaliation we are now praying re this everyday not praying curses on mugabe an na na just praying re this high place  may god grant them all repentance

Comment by Guardian on November 27, 2010 at 4:21pm
Comment by sandra hughes on November 27, 2010 at 2:35pm
Pray for my health and for mine and my daughter's job situations to improve in the name of Jesus. For now we have turned it over to Jesus, for he will make everything alright..AMEN!!!
Comment by mike service on November 21, 2010 at 8:23pm
hi everyone im much better getting there can only spend a few minutes on computor at a time 10 - 15 mins max my left eye has been bad for ages with a growth in it then last monday a piece of steel flew up and hit me in my right eye my eye lids were cut bad but my eye ball itself was cut graised punctured and all the front was scrapped off it i thought it was gone at first and as katie was running to me looked on the ground to pick it up i could see only blackness and lightening flashes then i covered it with my hand and went to neighbours russel took me to hospital 4mins away they later froze the nerves and asked if i could see anything at all i said yes they got all the rusty pieces out cleaned it patched it and sent me home on the wednesday they all gasped when they removed the patch as a new lense had started to grow since then it all got infected and i can hardly stand the light but i can see praise god .
Comment by mala kaushik on November 20, 2010 at 7:15pm
greetings in the most precious and holy name of our lord and saviour lord jesus ,
praise the lord ,
pl pray for my property case with my bros and sis i law who made my forged power of Attorney when my father died and sold all my property and other assets. my bros is using allhis influence and other corrupt ways to hush up the case. But lord jesus is doing great miracles ad wonders in this case.
The police has submitted the investigation report in th court and has declared forgery .
The next court date is 19 feb 2011
may lord bless him and give him wisdom and save his soul. may lord restore my father's inheritance to me.
we have invested some funds in private investment company and they promised to give monthly return on it .
but now the company owner whose name is marco is making some escuse or the other and is not sending our monthly return and we r asking him that we want our principal money back as we r not satisfied with you and your company , but he is not returning that money also . It is almost 3 months now ans we r really concerned about it now. He is speaking lies all times as he keeps changing his statement every time we write him e- mails .
pl pray may lord speak to this man name marco and transform his heart and he sincerely and honestly return our money back

pl continue to keep us in your prayers and also p lpray for my daughter sonali studies as she is doing MBA .
thanks and may god bless u all
Comment by Stephanie K on November 20, 2010 at 1:55pm
God I come to You today with thanksgiving in my heart for having You Lord in my life...I am asking for a new vehicle for my daughter so she can travel safely with the children everyday. Lord You know her situation...I am trusting YOu Lord in this matter..I love You Lord and I give you all the praise and Jesus name...amen
Comment by Stephanie K on November 18, 2010 at 7:41pm
But He was wounded for our transgressions, He was bruised for our iniquities; the chastisement of our peace was upon Him; and with His stripes we are healed. (Isaiah 53:5)
Comment by Stephanie K on November 18, 2010 at 7:35pm
there has been pain in my right ear for the last two weeks now....please agree in prayer with me that by HIS stripes I am healed...amen.

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